Breja: Remember when I got banned for asking the OP how many more Cyberpunk threads he's going to make, something like 6 Cyberpunk threads of his ago? Good times, good times.
I got blasted out for two weeks for directly asking them to make threads with actual content.
Anyways, I need to
vaugely be on topic, so:
Look, millions of people are going to buy it, not as if people haven't paid more for paltry offerings such as Game Freak's annualized Pokemon Franchise which is an RPG stuck 20 years behind every single innovation; to the point that it becomes novel when they finally force a quality of life feature to exist.
darksidr: As for the bugs name 1 game that ever launched with no bugs even after delays. i'll wait.
Pong! A game so simple you'd have to be trying to screw it up!