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And I'm 5'8, I'm not little.

Confused yeah, I'll cop to that.
dudalb: Looks a though the reunification of Germany is having negative consequences since from all I have read what used to be East Germany is the main area of AdP support. Guess they are longing for the good old days of Authoirtarian government.......
The party is called AfD ("Alternative für Deutschland" - "Alternative for Germany"), not AdP.
And while it's true AfD did exceptionally well in East Germany, they also got substantial results in many West German areas (somewhat above 12% in the southern states of Bavaria and Baden-Würtemberg).
The whole "The stupid Easterners haven't got a clue about democracy, never learned it" argument is a diversion pushed by the German establishment which doesn't want to admit how badly they screwed up in supporting Merkel's open borders policy (which is the only reason why AfD - which was close to imploding in mid-2015 - still exists and did comparatively well at the elections).
macuahuitlgog: When will Germans vote out those censorship Nazis that want to ban every fucking PC game and console game that has a little bit of violence in it? For people who are progressive when it comes to most things, they are not very progressive when it comes to PC games and console games.
fronzelneekburm: Well, here's the thing: There has been quite a shift in recent years to liberalise these rather draconian censorship measures. Take The Evil Dead for instance: Banned in Germany for some 35 years - not age restricted, BANNED!, as in you might go to jail if you sell this thing - , it aired uncut for the first time on German free TV yesterday. Why? Because Sony went the whole way: They had to appeal a 35 year old court ruling that stated this film glorified violence (which is a criminal offence in Germany), they then had to appeal to the governmental media watchdog BPJM to have them reevaluate whether this film is harmful to minors and then lastly get a re-rating by the FSK, the German equivalent of the MPAA.

As you can imagine, this is a rather costly process, and most media organisations will be reluctant to make these kind of expenses on a backlog title that won't sell more than a few hundred (thousand, if they're lucky) copies. Some companies went the whole nine yards for films like The Evil Dead, Battle Royale and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. With most of the games that are geolocked in gog's or Steam's catalogue, they're mostly on the BPJM's "harmful to minors" blacklist, so you don't have to jump through the hoop of having to get a court to look at it. It's still costly, though. So the bottom line is: Most of these decisions date back to the 90s and early 00s, when these organisations were much more restrictive than they are now. If the publishers were to take care of it, they could get all of these games off the blacklist in one swipe. Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Half-Life, all of those got a free pass on appeal. But it's not going to happen in most cases, since nobody wants to spend the money for that.

Games and films getting blacklisted and banned has become rather rare in comparison to the past decades. As to the question who started this whole shit? I would guess that these kind of draconian censorship measures are mostly influenced by CDU/CSU policies. I know for a fact that the CSU-governed state of Bavaria was always very eager to sic their percecutors on films and other media.
The whole censorship system needs to be thrown into the garbage. Only then, will Germans be able to have the same freedom when it comes to indulging in entertainment as most people in the world.
dudalb: Protest votes are really stupid if they put kooks in public office.
*shrug* politicians saying stupid things in parliament, I think we can survive that :)
its not like this never happened before :p
dudalb: Protest votes are really stupid if they put kooks in public office.
immi101: *shrug* politicians saying stupid things in parliament, I think we can survive that :)
its not like this never happened before :p
Probably, but it still seems like wasting your vote if you vote for a party you do not identify with and whose slogans you will have to endure then for four years just in order to punish another party. It would probably be better to look for a more decent alternative if available. In the end I'm just not very keen on having to see the new party in the headlines for the coming years.
dudalb: Because he is a hate filled idiot and an AdP supporter?

Looks a though the reunification of Germany is having negative consequences since from all I have read what used to be East Germany is the main area of AdP support. Guess they are longing for the good old days of Authoirtarian government.......

Protest votes are really stupid if they put kooks in public office.
Cifer84: YOU are a hate filled idiot and a sick little hypocrite, probably a violent antifa thug. From USA, no doubt you hate Trump and burn the American flag, then you pretend to be tolerant and accuse me of hate. To spill hate is all you do here and no one is more hate filled than left hypocrites like you. You are little low-life scum. If you want to make the world better and get rid of hate, begin with yourself, I suggest by hanging.
If you stand for alt-right, then maybe start by not making them sound so crazy? Relax!
You don't have to threaten people :)
AlienMind: Atheist is also a religion. You firmly BELIEVE (albeit without proof) that no omnipotent being exists. I'm agnostic :-)
Starmaker: This is retarded and pissed me off, and seeing as the election is over, I'm gonna bite.

Suppose you meet a girl who says she's dating Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. Not a cosplayer, not a voice actor, not a sex doll, just the actual Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. Well, not quite as he is in the game (for one, he dumped Aeris -- serves her right, the bitch -- and is now deeply in love with the girl telling this.) They went to the movies the other day, and he bought her drinks afterward. They're getting married next summer. No, you can't meet him, he's shy. Wedding gifts are welcome, though.

Now, a question: are you going to think
(A) "wtf is this bullshit, is she really nuts or pretending?", or
(B) "hmm, I can't tell if this is true or not, it just might be!"

if B, I have no further questions for you, Mr Sephiroth, and good day.
if A, what sort of hypocritical little shit are you to extend a vastly greater benefit of doubt to other fictional characters?

edit: it's been pointed out to me that one character is not, er, fetched far enough. A better sounding board for religious idiocy would be e.g. the Bayformers mythos, for obvious reasons (clear scientific evidence in the past, meddling in events throughout history, deniability in the observable present, sekrit friends helping out small people with small problems, shitty drama and plot holes oh so many plot holes).
So, do you think there's a tangible chance the events in Bayformer movies happened for realz? And do you look down on the people who say they most definitely did not happen?
I don't know any Baywatchformers, so I have to look into that, but if it's like "the first scene you see is someone manipulating the world with the power of his mind (also: see most games as they are thus unimmersive and thus shitty)", no I don't believe that's true. But the difference here is: I don't know, maybe they are true.
I don't look down on anybody on this planet - Even the most gruesome mass murderers. Everybody is the product of his genes and his upbringing so why hold something you don't like against them. Looking down means it actually irks me right? So no, I don't have time for that shit and to play world ethics police every freaking day. To varying degree I sort people as "can interact" and "can not interact" and a mass murderer would be in the far right of the second category. No time to fanatically speak about how the mass murderer is a mass murderer and that I find that bad. That would be like those feminazis who don't buy core games with unsexy female protagonists yet they all scream they should be made. If you call that looking down, then yes.

To address Cloud... that's all well and good until you learn that we all live in a simulation in which the game master can spawn anything at any point. But to piss you off, he's not spawning Cloud.
I know that one is not to take what people say word for word (one of the biggest pitfalls in my life), because when they say "It is" it's usually "I believe", so no hard feelings there. But when you're actually saying the scientific word "atheist", it's definition is like that, and that is a bit bold, as real scientists _always_ say "It's unlikely.." to soften their conclusions, because they, most of all, can sum up the mind to understand that _everything_ not exactly specified, given time and space, can change. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I hate fantasy and I can't believe I just said that :D But logical at the same time, every man fears (=hates) the unknown. Spock would raise an eyebrow now.

But for the record I don't believe that Garbriel told Mohammed to kill everybody who does not believe it.
I leave you with that logic bomb just like Kirk did with that robot in that episode.
Happy exploding.
Post edited September 27, 2017 by AlienMind
tinyE: AfD

"Adolf" for short. :P
You were right, they are gassing the whole banking system as we speak.
Crosmando: It's just that me being an atheist, I find myself uncomfortable with any form of religion
AlienMind: Atheist is also a religion. You firmly BELIEVE (albeit without proof) that no omnipotent being exists. I'm agnostic :-)
Problem is not religions, it's the act of harassing someone with it who clearly has stated that he's fine and don't want to be converted. But is property of some religions, sadly.
gamesfreak64: Each and every person is or should be allowed to think what he or she wants but aparently they are no longer allowed to speak freely according to the so called democracy,
AlienMind: Yes, a few years ago they forbid to demonstrate without telling the police about it and it getting allowed.
This means we have no free speech to the public anymore.
You can speak freely on other platforms e.g. TV, but you have to live with the consequences, which increasingly turn out to be draconian (see "Boehmermann").
Also we're getting monitored (see face recognition in berlin pedestrian district) just like Americans after 9/11 now, which means the state is spying on citizen without suspicion, which means we effectively have a police state.
Another interesting thing is in some cities like Frankfurt the muslim foreigners hold the majority of population, so more people vote for parties who recognize this fact in their political speeches (AFD), which a lot of the major ones did not even do for fear of backlash.
aha.... thats why the afd :D i noticed some videos were people were explaing why afd got 88+1 seats.
Every country has muslim foreigners, thing is the larger the country the larger the % .
Amsterdam the capital of the Netherlands seems to have most, based on statistics.
They don't vote on afd like parties..... they vote not or voted Pvda (left) (labour party more or less) or Groen Links ( the green party ) (also left), majority is left.
VVD and D66 are "democratic" and "liberal" thats how they started centuries ago......... today it is a big laugh, cause Brussels are the ones that tell all EU members how to act and react and do things....

After Merkel won (again) everyone was so happy in all the eu members ( except a few maybe).

This week they +++ the Dutch 'binding referendum' because they did not like the previous referendum results,

the 'good 'thing is: the parties who created it and were pro also ++++ the rule again...
Anyway everyone knows that EEC was 99.99 trading and the EU in current form is 99.9% political and they were not founded to be political it was all trading in the past now its politics 99.99%.
So all our local 'governments' will be governed by the EU....

They gonna 'drag' the internet and 'sweep' it starting 2018 .... Google for sleepwet, its Dutch but the purpose is to tap everything 24/7 anyway anywhere at anytime..... its needed they claim because of security, they refer to all the sad things that happend the last years in europe and with the sleepwet they think and claim they can prevent certain sad things , the thing is: they really are curious to see what all their people are doing on social media, internet and what they say and what they vote, thats the real reason cause voting and more is unanimous you have to ID yourself in order to vote but noone sees what the people vote.

Finally they also dont know which people vote for who and they would love to know that.
tinyE: AfD

"Adolf" for short. :P
AlienMind: You were right, they are gassing the whole banking system as we speak.
I hope you are not referring to the fact that banks would rather have no cash money: but only digital, like in the sf movies were cash is tranfered digitally(numbers only, no real cash you can hold)

So if you have been a 'bad' boy according to some people they can block your digital income, since there is no cash, physical money, they have you were they want you.

With all real cash gone and also millions of people jobless, and common labour replaced by advanced machines you will have a Terminator like future with a EU Skynet.... not a very pleasant view of the future.
Post edited September 28, 2017 by gamesfreak64
gamesfreak64: They gonna 'drag' the internet and 'sweep' it starting 2018 .... Google for sleepwet, its Dutch but the purpose is to tap everything 24/7 anyway anywhere at anytime..... its needed they claim because of security, they refer to all the sad things that happend the last years in europe and with the sleepwet they think and claim they can prevent certain sad things , the thing is: they really are curious to see what all their people are doing on social media, internet and what they say and what they vote, thats the real reason cause voting and more is unanimous you have to ID yourself in order to vote but noone sees what the people vote.

Finally they also dont know which people vote for who and they would love to know that.
Yes. I would be perfectly OK with todays lifestyle of e.g. tapping location services for when you want to go to the nearest, I don't know, specialized doctor for some illness your insurance should not find out about, but the problem is: Every location service (google and so on) have _NO_ product for paying customers who want to have guarenteed that they don't share your data.
That is something which should be enforced by politicians (they make rules), but so far, nothing. I think most are either incompetent, fear backlash, for are supported by cases full of money graciously left by lobbyists.
AlienMind: You were right, they are gassing the whole banking system as we speak.
gamesfreak64: I hope you are not referring to the fact that banks would rather have no cash money: but only digital, like in the sf movies were cash is tranfered digitally(numbers only, no real cash you can hold)

So if you have been a 'bad' boy according to some people they can block your digital income, since there is no cash, physical money, they have you were they want you.

With all real cash gone and also millions of people jobless, and common labour replaced by advanced machines you will have a Terminator like future with a EU Skynet.... not a very pleasant view of the future.
No, I was joking about Jew history and how they are always got forced into the money business and the relation to world war 2, but your future is one we all sure will have one day. Heck, wageslaves are real today!
Post edited September 28, 2017 by AlienMind
gamesfreak64: They gonna 'drag' the internet and 'sweep' it starting 2018 .... Google for sleepwet, its Dutch but the purpose is to tap everything 24/7 anyway anywhere at anytime..... its needed they claim because of security, they refer to all the sad things that happend the last years in europe and with the sleepwet they think and claim they can prevent certain sad things , the thing is: they really are curious to see what all their people are doing on social media, internet and what they say and what they vote, thats the real reason cause voting and more is unanimous you have to ID yourself in order to vote but noone sees what the people vote.

Finally they also dont know which people vote for who and they would love to know that.
AlienMind: Yes. I would be perfectly OK with todays lifestyle of e.g. tapping location services for when you want to go to the nearest, I don't know, specialized doctor for some illness your insurance should not find out about, but the problem is: Every location service (google and so on) have _NO_ product for paying customers who want to have guarenteed that they don't share your data.
That is something which should be enforced by politicians (they make rules), but so far, nothing. I think most are either incompetent, fear backlash, for are supported by cases full of money graciously left by lobbyists.
gamesfreak64: I hope you are not referring to the fact that banks would rather have no cash money: but only digital, like in the sf movies were cash is tranfered digitally(numbers only, no real cash you can hold)

So if you have been a 'bad' boy according to some people they can block your digital income, since there is no cash, physical money, they have you were they want you.

With all real cash gone and also millions of people jobless, and common labour replaced by advanced machines you will have a Terminator like future with a EU Skynet.... not a very pleasant view of the future.
AlienMind: No, I was joking about Jew history and how they are always got forced into the money business and the relation to world war 2, but your future is one we all sure will have one day. Heck, wageslaves are real today!
Ah, the money business, yes i know all about it, yes despite all bad things that happend to them most of them are still pretty wealthy.
As for the grim future: yes we will have that sooner then we thik cause now EU (Brussels) is full steam ahead globalazing Europe cause now the momentum is there, they forget the fact that some 'unwanted' parties , as they call anything that does not believe in what they believe, have gained a nice amount of seats, same in the netherlands, they are happy they can bow to EU but also forgot they lost seats aswell, and the vvd lost members aswell to fvd, lots of members.
Anyway now with the last incident with the 2 soldiers , regaring bad equipment / ammo the main party VVD is in the spotlights again.....
I forgot who said that. But that quote was very intersting.

60% of germans that voted for AfD voted for them in protest and not because they identify with them.
But nearly 100% of germans that voted for the greens voted them out of deep conviction. I think that is true. You don’t vote for the greens if you don’t identify with them.

I think that was very intersting. The greens have very stable results. But SPD and CDU aren’t that stable. Granted their fan base (sorry dont have an adequate word right now) is bigger.

I think the AfD will vanish just like the pirat party did in a couple of years. The problem will resolve from alone. We don’t have to do anything. They have no concept like SPD right now and people will see this when time comes.
Post edited October 02, 2017 by VeldrinMaven
Will Germany finally have coalition government this weekend, or will new elections be required?
morrowslant: Will Germany finally have coalition government this weekend, or will new elections be required?
we actually wont know this weekend for sure - as even if they reach a final agreement in the negociations there will be a vote of all the ~440000 members of the SPD if they want to accept the terms or prefer reelections