The presentation is very nice, great soundtrack, consistent style, the handdrawn art reminiscent of old picture books or East European animations, the characters' (Czech inspired) gibberish and antics amusingly weird, typical Amanita Games. The puzzles are very easy and the game is over pretty soon though (possibly in under an hour?). As others have said before me, the real challenge is to get all the in-game achievements afterwards.
But I thought that was the less enjoyable part of the game, because while the characters sometimes act different from each other, it's not nearly enough to encourage the player to try every possible combination of items and locations with each one of them. There's just too much repetition, different characters doing more or less the same things, too often they don't do anything interesting at all, and it's a bit of a hassle to experiment with depletable items and then having to procure a new copy of them by way of the same chain of adventure game puzzles again and again. It also doesn't help that the same animations are repeated so often. Every time you enter a location with a character, they're played again, regardless of how many times you've seen them already, and while there's a Fast Forward button, it still gets a bit tedious after a while.
Also, there are no hints about the achievements, no clues what you have to do to unlock them. So I did try a bit on my own but in the end gave up and used a guide to see what I was missing. Following the instructions lead to somewhat amusing, but never really all that exciting results, and unlocking all achievements did not trigger a bonus animation or something similar either. It basically just shows you that there are several different ways to solve many of the puzzles, but I'm not sure if that actually justifies a second playthrough and if getting all the achievements was really worth my time.
To summarize, I thought playing the game for the first time was fun, but that fun was pretty short-lived, and replaying it and trying to find everything I had missed on the first playthrough wasn't all that entertaining, because there just isn't enough variety in the characters' behaviour and the items' uses for that and too much repetition.
Post edited December 24, 2019 by Leroux