Kamamura: It depends what is your priority. Combat itself, story, immersion, lore?
OP specifically requested tactical map combat. This disqualifies at least half your list off the top of my head, including the awful Anachronox, which isn't even turn-based, it's ATB (real time with wait). That's not to say that I object to any of those games (other than Anachronox) otherwise. Actually, Septerra Core is also ATB, but I don't think it's as bad.
It's hard to say what's "good". I'd second the recommendations of Ancient-Red-Dragon, although I don't have any objections to DivOS 2. I'd also second the recommendations of Fallout1-2.
Filtering my owned gog games by Role-Playing, but leaving out games I consider to be more strategy than role-playing, in no particular order, I see: Temple of Elemental Evil, Shadowrun series, Grandia II (a JRPG, but the combat is not line combat), Arcanum (if you select turn-based combat), Blackguards series, Realms of Arkania series, Gold box and Dark Sun games (although these tend to require excessive resting to replenish spells), Wasteland 2 (1 doesn't have tactical map combat), Neptunia series, The Age of Decadence (not much combat) or Dungeon Rats (not mch story), ATOM RPG, Spiderweb Software games. Also too many games that I haven't played long enough to evaluate yet.