kohlrak: if I had kohlrak.net instead of kohlrak.sytes.net, would I get rejected less?
drmike: A quick check shows kohlrak.sytes.net sitting on a Comcast cable modem. If you;re trying to send mail from there, you're going to get blocked as end user cable modems shouldn't be sending emails. In theory you should be sending it to your ISP's email server and then having it go out from there.
In theory at least.
Your IP address is blocked on a few lists for such a setup. In ours, it's a static +1 on a 5 point scale for determining spam.
The domain used wouldn't affect anything. It really looks like the IP address and the fact that it;s a cable modem to be the issue.
Your MX record is showing you have it set up to send email via the no-ip.com mail servers. You may have better luck with that if you;re able to. I've never used no-ip.com. Maybe someone else can chip in.
Hope this helps
Damn, that's annoying. I'd have to shell out more money for a heavily throttled connection just to get email back and forth.
I'm currently bouncing through no-ip to get emails in, and bouncing off of gmail to get emails out. Given how email providers work, i'd still get spam filtered for using gmail or something like that, which is what is happening right now anyway. I'd like, if i'm getting spam filtered to begin with, to at least cut down on the number of middle-men. I run my own server because i'm sick of being bitten by things getting deleted because the company got hit by a virus or something, so i don't want my email to be going down because a server gets DDoSed.
drmike: A quick check shows kohlrak.sytes.net sitting on a Comcast cable modem. If you;re trying to send mail from there, you're going to get blocked as end user cable modems shouldn't be sending emails. In theory you should be sending it to your ISP's email server and then having it go out from there.
In theory at least.
Your IP address is blocked on a few lists for such a setup. In ours, it's a static +1 on a 5 point scale for determining spam.
The domain used wouldn't affect anything. It really looks like the IP address and the fact that it;s a cable modem to be the issue.
Your MX record is showing you have it set up to send email via the no-ip.com mail servers. You may have better luck with that if you;re able to. I've never used no-ip.com. Maybe someone else can chip in.
Hope this helps
Maighstir: Additionally, I don't know about Comcast, but my ISP actually blocks outgoing emails that goes directly from end users to the outside, so I set my server up so that it connects to their SMTP server and sends through there.
Also, drmike, the MX record does not say what domain emails are sent
from, but what computer should handle mails
to a certain domain.
For example, the MX records for kohlrak.sytes.net says that any e-mail sent to <anything>@kohlrak.sytes.net goes primarily to mail1.no-ip.com (it has the lowest preference number, and thus highest priority), and if that one doesn't answer, the sending mail server tries to contact mail2.no-ip.net instead (has a higher preference number, and thus has lower priority).
SMTP is blocked, but not ESMTP, iirc. So I just have no-ip reflect to there.