utahsteel: Any workaround for this?
For reference:
Looks like one of those "You have to line up in some exact way to interact with the object" issues. Lots of those in swtor. Try moving around.
Also see if this helps:
" I found out that using fiend decodation seems to make it impossible to climb ladders. I was in the middle of the quest "A Poet Under Pressure" when I got stuck in a basement I couldn't climb out of. However, once I removed the effects of the decodation, I was able to climb like normal."
If you still have an issue, you may want to head over to the Witcher 3 forums located here:
https://www.gog.com/forum/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt or even the main website located here:
https://forums.cdprojektred.com/forum/en/the-witcher-series/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/tech-support Hope this helps
edit: Rereading some of those previous threads, this appears to be a PS4 issue. Is that what you;re running?
reedit: Looks like the issue is that the icon doesn;t appear but you should still be able to climb up it if you interact with it: