keeveek: Yeah, pure prisoners. They can't go outside and shit. We should pity them and their poor existence.
It's not their fault they murdered someone. They are the true and ONLY victims. They will suffer trauma to rest of their lives.
I will pray for every murderer and rapist this day. Because lack of satellite TV in each cell is torture.
macuahuitlgog: Not everyone who breaks the law is a rapist, murderer etc. So calm down with your hatred of prisoners unless you hate everyone who has broken a law(or several laws) in this world.
Those who have broken the law in minor cases, should work also. But of course not as hard as murderers. For example, they may sweep sidewalks, collect rubbish, etc etc.
History shows us that evil people using people is wrong as hell. Using people put in prison for real crimes as labor as part of their punishment is neither cruel nor unusual, unless the work and treatment itself is cruel and unusual.
I have no problem with putting them in working camps, except that half or more the people here are in jail for no actual crimes committed against anyone, so forcing them to work would just be further insult and injury and violation of their rights. But if it was only directed at violent offenders, it'd be hard to say working for them would be a problem.
And this is exactly the point. It's a different topic to me, unfair inprisonment (as Bradley Manning's) and just simply doing justice.
Comparing Manning to this Chinese prisoner in an attempt to say USA is oppressive is laughable. If Manning was Chinese he would be dead along with his entire family and probably any coworkers who couldn't pay off the government. Glad I got the hell out of there.
Oh! The great and merciful United States hasn't killed him (yet). Praise the United States!