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Hi dear CDPR,

I know that there's no collector's edition for canadians at the moment, but please, please make this happen!!! I swear we deserve it! Well at least in Quebec that is :-) (JOKE! i'm sure we all deserve it!)

Many thanks. I'm very impressed with your game-making skills, marketing skills, communication skills, you have nothing to envy to the other big gaming companies, on the contrary! Long life to quality gaming, long life to CDPR. You got me back from 20-years gaming break with your Witcher series! Thanks again for these masterpieces.
I hope you guys get your physical copies there on PC as well. Now that they're doing it for US I don't imagine it is too much more effort on their part to hit up Canadia as well. I just wouldn't hope for bilingual packaging/materials.

p.s. : that wasn't a typo. I love you guys but you have to choose to live in Canadia or be called Canadans. You can't have both. ...personally I think Canadia is cooler, anyway. Cheers!
Post edited June 11, 2019 by InfiniteClouds