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So A week ago I paid for Cyberpunk 2077....through Galaxy app I keep getting an E9 error, tried support, never got back to me as of this date....And seeing more people having this problem I don't think it will ever be solved by Gog themselfs...

So I did what they said, downloaded the Separate files, 6 Times.

First time I'm getting file 26 isn't there, it was, second time thirth and fourth It wont install, and said o the integrity check.
Did that they keep being corrupted.

5th time Same thing....

6th time I downloaded it on a very old pc, and it took me 3 days go get all files...
and now its saying number 1 isn't even in the folder..

I'm getting frustrated that It keeps saying that, and I paid for a game I can't even play now...

Does anyone know what to do about either the E9 errors or the Corrupted files?
with the E9 I'm not getting past 5% of instalation...
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