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A while ago, GOG switched to using adyen as their payment processor. Around that time, they also started requiring extra authentication with the bank for anything but the smallest purchases.

Since then, payments for larger orders (as one might do during a big sale..) have been more or less broken for me: checkout, enter card details, authenticate with bank, gogbear. Fun.

The last time I had this issue, I ended up with 7 unfinished orders in my order history (which are still there), and I spent a fair amount of time trying to get those orders to go through, splitting orders into smaller ones, trying again on a different day, etcetra. I think there was also an issue where one of my items was a DLC (with no base game), but GOG's order system did not warn me about that.

That was on May 25. Jun 7 was when I finally had managed to buy everything I had been trying to buy initially. So it took me almost two weeks and a lot of frustration (and back and forth with support, who weren't really able to help). I'll never know why it worked in the end, and I sort of assumed someone somewhere finally fixed whatever the underlying issue was for real, and now I should be just able to purchase things again like I can on any other store...

Fast forward to today, and I decided to spend a few hours browsing the catalog and ended up with about half a dozen games plus some DLCs for them in cart. Checkout, authenticate with bank, gogbear. Gee, not again?! Yep, it's the same thing. I don't know if I really have the patience to buy anything at all when it's such an ordeal.
Post edited July 10, 2022 by clarry