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Guys, of course you do have some good points in this thread. I'd just like to let you know that there's more posts about the issue and [url=]here from myself on the matter, saying what I can about the current plan of action and suggestions I've passed on.

I'd hugely appreciate it if you'd post any suggestions I should see that hasn't already been mentioned in one of those topics or message me directly, as with more like this popping up, I'm becoming unable to track them all. Thanks!
There has been a discussion regarding the futility of the easily abused rep systems many times in the past and the now redundant forum experience thread that was started to keep all the complaints regarding the broken arbitrary number system and other major shortcomings of the forum contained in one place.

Despite the malignant user that has been plaguing the forum with dozens of alts for harassing, exploiting and down repping other users not a single thing has been done so far except deleting a couple of the alts making a complete mockery of a system that was supposed to help the community police themselves. Over a year later since the last time the shortcomings of the rep system were raised by a vast majority of members and nothing much has changed regarding GOG's apathy towards this situation so as expected GOG's response to the constant down rep trolling on the forum is just "DEAL WITH IT".

Quote from Ciris's latest post:

"RE: The rep system -- As far as I know, this is a big topic that's been talked about for a while now, but as it'd be a pretty damn huge project to design a rep or rep-like system, test and implement it, it might not be the highest up on the list of stuff our web team is doing."

The only thing they are going to do is bring back the Block and Report button in Chat and garner praise for restoring a feature they actually removed from the old PM system. Some people will once again hail it as GOG listening to their customers and be appeased by it. If anything else will actually be done like moderation for extreme cases like the one we are dealing with currently remains to be seen but past experience suggests that GOG will just wait for people to stop making noise over it while continuing to tell them that they are indeed listening to all the feedback™
Post edited August 03, 2015 by stg83
One more issue that has been sidelined lately with all this fighting amongst us is the lack of some sort of at least optional two factor authentication. Implementing the requirement of a key sent by an email before logging in on a new computer would be a huge step forward in account security. And the costs would be almost 0.
Ciris: Guys, of course you do have some good points in this thread. I'd just like to let you know that there's more posts about the issue and [url=]here from myself on the matter, saying what I can about the current plan of action and suggestions I've passed on.

I'd hugely appreciate it if you'd post any suggestions I should see that hasn't already been mentioned in one of those topics or message me directly, as with more like this popping up, I'm becoming unable to track them all. Thanks!
It's kinda funny to me, how you refer people to threads with jizz, ass, tits and whatnot on the URLs. What I think GOG should do at this point, would be to create an official thread of the matter, list themselves the problems and issues the users have pointed them to already and which they are already aware of, and ask there if they've missed some. Later, when you've made actual decisions, the news could be posted there. I think this would calm people and let them know that GOG is being serious about the issues and action is being taken. All the ass/jizz-threads, and even this one, are unofficial and not even stickied.
DProject: What I think GOG should do at this point, would be to create an official thread of the matter, list themselves the problems and issues the users have pointed them to already and which they are already aware of, and ask there if they've missed some. Later, when you've made actual decisions, the news could be posted there. I think this would calm people and let them know that GOG is being serious about the issues and action is being taken.
Oh so you mean kind of like this thread that has been gathering dust since the last GOG staff response over a year ago.

That would certainly show how serious GOG is about taking some action regarding the issues forum goers are dealing with.
Post edited August 03, 2015 by stg83
Well, i guess that i also have to drop in and say my 0.2 cents...


It's pretty clear that they've been neglecting the forum for too long, "we're listening" and yet nothing gets done or some questions left unanswered. It's their trademark.
I was promised a Q&A with the gog team (moonshineshadow was kind enough to bump the question) and i was contacted by a gog team member (and not the other way around) about this current problem we're facing and in both i only got promises (not to say that i was IGNORED for a full month on the chat).

I mean, we have a script made by an (awesome) user to fix some of the problems, we have to do the moderation, we act like support, we are just free solutions for gog's problems, stop doing that and the forum falls apart.

And please, don't tell me that gog doesn't have money or doesn't have a team capable of solving this kind of problem, ONE MONTH to solve it is just unacceptable.
I used to be a moderator for a portuguese gaming forum and when i caught a twat trying to sell a fake iphone on the forum i gave him a ban and to the other accounts that he created. In one night he downvoted (seems a common thing for this type of trolls) most of my comments and i did lose a bunch of rep, the admin solved the rep problem in ONE DAY and the rest of the problems in less than a week later.

But you know what's funny? The forum eventually "died", the admin was a cool guy but it was also young and naive, he ignored some of the problems (and solutions) and people just left, i was one of the mods and i left without saying a word. It's always the same thing, the higher ups never listen to the right people and keep ignoring the problems...


There are only 2 things that bothers me.

1- People that are oblivious to the gifting problem. At first i didn't understand Sachys grumpy posts about the whole gifting, ninja threads, etc, but then it just hit me, he's absolutely right.
This is the only forum that i know of that gives way too much for it's on good, true that most is bundle leftovers but it's still a problem because it attracts the wrong crowd.

Do you think "nes" is the only scammer here? He's stupid, anyone else can do what he's doing, it's not rocket science. Pretty sure that there's a couple of alts running around and grabbing some freebies, the only difference is that they know how to lay low, they don't go running crying like an entitled brat.
Rep as a tool for giveaways? That's meaningless, i don't know what people did in the past or how active they were but when you visit a giveaway, see an username that you don't remember participating in discussions but has a rep between 100~1000 and use the forum search feature what do you come up with? 50~90% is giveaways related.

I stopped giving away bundle leftovers, i keep then and if i see someone that i know is an active users asking for it on another giveaway or on the trading thread then i'll send it to him.

2 - The community apathy. You can say whatever you want, you can hide in a single thread, pretend everything is alright and you're a nice person but when you see someone that was unjustly downvoted and you ignore it then you're part of the problem and not the person that you think you are.
Anyone that decided to stand up and defend a fellow forum user was targeted by the troll (you can see from where he got the idea we were all alt accounts of that said user). There was someone that was going to be scammed and i thought "well, by now that person had to be warned since it's well popular and beloved here"... nope, a few hours later i decided to contact just in case and no one bothered to send a message...

Dunno, i get the feeling that people only react when they finally got involved, it "only" took almost 2 months for this type of threads to pop up while some had to endure the abuse for two months. Where is Pimpmonkey? Why did he had to leave and this piece of shit is still here grabbing freebies?

I don't know, i've met good people here (10~20) and that is why i still hang around but if gog comes up with some stupid solution that doesn't actually solves the problem then i'll just leave, there was a point this week where i was thinking that it's no longer between the turd and me, i don't care what he does for one week, now this is between me and gog, they will have to choose between someone that actually buys stuff here or the turd that never bought anything (therefore the scamming) and i'm sure that i'm not the only one...
Breja: [...]

Maybe once it's so bad people actually start speaking ill of GOG elsewhere, on other forums and social media, and advising people to stay away GOG will finally do something, afraid of losing potential new customers.
Seems to me that this may be the only effective course.

stg83: [...]

The only thing they are going to do is bring back the Block and Report button in Chat and garner praise for restoring a feature they actually removed from the old PM system. [...]
Emm... no, she only said that she made sure the web team's aware of it. It's been months since the Chat system was introduced, and the issue has been brought up multiple times already in the "NEWS: A new My Account" and "My Account - big changes on the horizon", and other threads, yet Ciris tries to convince us that it's something the webdevs weren't aware of till now, and good for us all that she took matters in her hands.
Momo1991: *snip*
Thanks for this thread!

I personally don't give a rat's ass about rep points but the problems with scammers and alt accounts have gotten out of hand lately and it's about time that GOG does something about it (not that i have any hope that they will).

Cyraxpt: *snip*

1- People that are oblivious to the gifting problem. At first i didn't understand Sachys grumpy posts about the whole gifting, ninja threads, etc, but then it just hit me, he's absolutely right.
This is the only forum that i know of that gives way too much for it's on good, true that most is bundle leftovers but it's still a problem because it attracts the wrong crowd.
After seeing how many scammers are around here lately and thinking about it i have to agree with Sachys too.

Apparently free Steam keys attract scammers like shit attracts flies so from now on i won't give away any more Steam keys here on GOG.

I'll still give away my remaining Desura keys in the Shabby Games Shelter and keep trading Steam keys here for the time being. But i'm considering only trading them via Steam in the future.
Cyraxpt: but if gog comes up with some stupid solution that doesn't actually solves the problem then i'll just leave
GOG alredy started to do something. Try to post "fuck" in capital letters and see what happens ;)

edit: Of course this doesn't solve any problems. It just prevents us from creating new "fuck fuck fuck" threads.
Post edited August 03, 2015 by real.geizterfahr
DProject: ...
Speaking of rep, I can't help but notice that you're on the cusp of your 4th star with 999 rep. I wonder what will happen if I (and perhaps a few others) press that green button...
Post edited August 03, 2015 by Barefoot_Monkey
DProject: ...
Barefoot_Monkey: Speaking of rep, I can't help but notice that you're on the cusp of your 4th star with 999 rep. I wonder what will happen if I (and perhaps a few others) press that green button...
Now he's got 1001 ;P
Ciris: I'd hugely appreciate it if you'd post any suggestions I should see that hasn't already been mentioned in one of those topics or message me directly, as with more like this popping up, I'm becoming unable to track them all. Thanks!
Suggestions you have been given in the past have been dismissed because "we don't want to do it." So you need to tell us that you're going to stop saying that without giving good reasons in future.

I love TheEnigmaticT but he annoyed me a bit when he said "we won't ever have moderators because we don't want to have them". He's a smart and eloquent dude who could have constructed a very good argument around this but he pretty much refused to.
real.geizterfahr: GOG alredy started to do something. Try to post "fuck" in capital letters and see what happens ;)

edit: Of course this doesn't solve any problems. It just prevents us from creating new "fuck fuck fuck" threads.
Jokes aside, a solution was promised for this week so we will see.
real.geizterfahr: GOG alredy started to do something. Try to post "fuck" in capital letters and see what happens ;)

edit: Of course this doesn't solve any problems. It just prevents us from creating new "fuck fuck fuck" threads.
Cyraxpt: Jokes aside, a solution was promised for this week so we will see.
It's not a joke. Try posting F U C K without the spaces and see for yourself.

edit: Or have a look at the test thread...
Post edited August 03, 2015 by real.geizterfahr
Final edit: Now i get it. TO THE TESTMOBILE!!!
Post edited August 03, 2015 by Cyraxpt