rtcvb32: While that was a wonderful read, it's way too generalized. I was thinking a game by game basis.
Say for example you had a lot of issues getting, oh say
Albion to run, any issues with CD checks or files or music that played, what you experimented and found DosBox settings to work best, DRM you found or hidden easter eggs, or a glitch in emulation that made the game impossible to beat, etc. Sorta a rundown of a week by week and more in depth fixes and even code examples of what you had to change in the executable, including newer code that doesn't exist in 286 days, etc.
Well, that article states about everything we encounter with the majority of our games. As odd as that may seem, a lot of fixes work across most games so a Windows or DOS-related fix usually works for a variety of games that were made in a similar way...