Posted April 05, 2017

After I reinstalled I fired TW3 up once before realizing I hadn't opted into the beta client. I did that and restarted and saw in the "Backup and Goodies" section Cloud Saves Backup Copy. I clicked that, it appeared to download something, but none of my saves are available. New Game is my only option.
I think this is a bit of confusion caused by the fact you installed the game on GOG Galaxy 1.1. Cloud storage is synchronized if we install a game, run a game (via the Galaxy client), verify/repair or uninstall a game - but only on GOG Galaxy 1.2, of course.
But, from what you're saying, you clicked PLAY on 1.2 - that should trigger the synchronization mechanism. If that is indeed the case, could you report an issue on Please attach your logs (a zip of C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\Logs would be great), that would help us investigate, because this smells like a bug :)