Starmaker: After reading that it's apparently much more convenient to play platformers with a gamepad, I tried to play La-Mulana and the Rogue Legacy demo with an Xbox controller, and it's a nightmare. Basically, I exchanged six fingers for an extra thumb, and that's a worse deal than the sale of Alaska.
So... what (DRM-free) games should I play to make some use of that pretty and useless thing?
I finished Rogue Legacy and Volgarr the Viking (well, I got Ending C which isn't the best one :P ) with the Xbox 360 controller. I'll admit that the D-pad on the 360 is a horror to behold so I played them using the left analog stick.
When I play platformers with a keyboard instead of a controller then I feel the same way you do. Perhaps this is just a question of getting used to a controller after using a keyboard for so long? Heck, I even played Secret Agent with the Xbox 360 controller because I couldn't time jumps and such :D