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Many generations, one destiny.

Rogue Legacy, a procedurally generated RPG/platformer where the fallen heroes pass their quest and their skills onto their children, is available 50% off on That's only $7.49 for the next 24 hours!

When you are old enough to read this words, their meaning will unfold. These words are all that's left and though we've never met, my dear child, I hope you know that I would have been there to watch you grow. But my call was heard and I did go. Now your mission lies ahead of you, as it did mine so long ago. The castle towers reach for the sky, overshadowing your home. There lies your destiny, my child, and your doom, but you shall overcome more dangers than did I. Bless you, now go. Ride like the wind, ride proud my child, and do reflect upon me when you die.

Rogue Legacy takes the classic 2D "metroidvania" gameplay and cranks up the difficulty level so much, that it's impossible to keep your character alive. Don't worry, though--once the brave knight dies while exploring the ominous haunted castle, its only a matter of few clicks to resume the adventure as their knightly offspring. You will get to choose among the children to pick the character whose traits and flaws suit you the most, and continue their parent's quest retaining the stat bonuses and equipment they managed to secure. The game sports sleek 2D graphics, perfect intuitive controls, tons of great humor, giant boss monsters, and virtually infinite replayability provided by the castle's ever-changing layout. Most importantly, though--it's simply enthralling. Each time your hero will fall, you'll experience a sudden rush of desire to have another go. Again, and again, and again.

Brave the many dangers of the mysterious castle while you learn the true meaning of inheritance in Rogue Legacy, for only $7.49 on The offer lasts until Thursday, September 26, at 9:59AM GMT. Don't miss out on this wonderfully addictive game!
Quick contest: the first person to guess the secret password implied in the newspost wins a $9.99 game! :-)
The password was: Defender, and JMich was the first one to use it. A $9.99 code is coming your way, mate :-) Knowing you, you'll fashion some kind of giveaway with it, right? ;-)
ErekoseDM: after each death do you keep any of the weapons and armors you upgraded / found or is the castle / manor the only persistent part?
Yes, you keep all the weapons and upgrades :)
Ghorpm: Sorry for a little necromancy but I'm so proud of myself!
Ghorpm: So I've played for what was it? One hour? Don't get me wrong, I knew that I would suck at this game but I didn't know I would suck so hard!
Ghorpm: Well, it's not the case anymore. Now I can officially say that I rock!
- Manor completely upgraded (level 507)
- Every single blueprint found, every item bought
- Every single rune found and unlocked
- Gold is absolutely useless now
- Currently in New Game +5
- New Game +4 beaten within 27 hours and with 112 heirs (those are total numbers, each NG+ is not calculated separately)

I'm well aware that it could have been done better (I wasted ~60 heirs to beat the game for the first time) but as a first playthrough it's not that bad, isn't it? Now I need a break... But I'll definitely come back to Rogue Legacy sooner or later (most probably sooner because I love this game!)
Dude, that's hardcore. Congrats. :)
Ghorpm: TBH I don't remember because that depends on your stats. Lich starts with a very low HP (only 35% of your current maximum) and cannot reach anything more than 100% (which corresponds to HP of a knight/paladin at your current level). He can, however, reach 200% of MP (he starts with 50%) and given his 150% Int he can wreak havoc with his Crow Storm spell. But alas, starting from NG++ I wasn't really able to build him up from scratches. It's a shame, I really like it how you have to be extra cautious at the beginning of the game to get more and more powerful up to the point where you can kill everybody in the biggest rooms with a few spells. It felt like playing as Xykon from Order of the Stick webcomic.
Vitek: Ah, I didn't know that. I hoped he/she can go forever. :-)
I played an earlier version of Rogue Legacy when the Liches did not have any limits. They were way overpowered then, making all of the other classes useless :)
Ghorpm: No harm done. From now on you can simply focus on looting. Don't lock the castle, choose spelunker if you can and upgrade your heroes. Locking the castle has one additional drawback - every chest (including fairy chests) will be empty if you already opened them and therefore you'll not get any new runes nor blueprints.
CrowTRobo: Yep, I was only earning about 150 gold each time when locking the castle. The first play after I stopped locking it, I ended up with 1900.

Vitek: That's why no pulse helped. I could stand in the corner, far from him, where trap spikes are.
CrowTRobo: So THATS what that trait does. I never picked an heir with that one but couldn't guess what it might affect. One that I have picked but didn't notice anything different while playing was the gay trait.
Maybe that's the point? :P