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Dark Theme
2025 - Still no Dark Mode. I am disappointed grandma.
where dark mode
I need dark mode gog, please add it
What will it take to get a dark theme in 2025?
The discovery tab on Galaxy has a great colour scheme but every time I open the store page I get flashbanged. The fact that this has been a problem for so damn long is just pure laziness at this point.
I want to shop the store till my eyes see that there is no dark theme, too bright hurts! I literally quit shopping. There's $$ being lost! I know I'm not alone here.
At least use whatever you're using in the "Discover" tab for the store. Please, my eyes are bleeding.
still waiting on it :(
Just use the Dark Reader extension for your browser and you can have a dark theme for any website.
didn't they advertise GOG Galaxy 2.0 heavily with their "customizability"? There's a lot to be desired on that front
Its 2022 and Id really like to have a dark mode available while browsing the store, its just to much to look at while browsing all the deals going on right now!
To the confused people, still does not have a dark mode. The separate apps do.
Im confused by this request, was this for Galaxy 2.0? Because hasn't 2.0 been dark since it released? Mine has been. Just checked and 2.0 doesn't seem to have a light/dark mode toggle, it's just dark all the time :-P
when you browse the store in GOG galaxy there is no dark mode :(
Can someone archive this article. The GOG client is already set to dark theme (perpetually).
Yes please! I haven't seen the sun in 9 months and the merciless glare of light hurts my skin :(
isn't it already dark?
Dark Theme will make GOG justice!
i had dark mode on but now the option for it has gone,
I support the dark theme as long as it's an option and we can still use the light theme as well - the dark parts of GoG (forums, the new 2.0 client) actually make my eyes hurt.
So, live and let live please.
I'm starting to notice some dark theming on some of the pages and screens. They might be slowly or gradually rolling it out. Thank you, GOG!
Being a steam gamer looking for a better gaming platform with simpler library but definitely wanting a dark theme on all areas. Shouldn't we be able to set Dark theme in our account / settings area and have it apply to ALL areas of GOG. I have sensitive eyes and really detest white backgrounds.
Even using f.lux to minimise brightness doesn't do enough on bright white back grounds.
Whereas this area with it's grey background is perfect!
Why this hasn't been added yet I'll never know.
All of my this.
Now that I have an HDR1000 screen, a Dark Theme is becoming a must. Those HDR screens are far brighter than traditional SDR ones. The brightness used to only hurt at night, now it hurts even during the day...
A dark theme is a must, almost every other company desktop app has a dark theme. The brightness burns my eyes
Dark or dim. Put it in my veins. Yesterday. White burns my eyes. Please. Did i say please? Oh yes i did. I see it because this forum is not white.
dark theme is love dark theme is life :)
Dark mode, and why not custome mod ^^.
Maybe we can put a jpg pictures to set up theme it will be nice
I I really love CD Projekt, CD Projekt RED and the concept of GoG. But please allow us to get an entirely dark theme for every part of the client! This wishlist is nice though everytime I need to go to the library or change windows my retina are seared and I don't wish to keep manually switching about bright and dark settings on my monitor.
Please guys, this is a major gripe. The inconsistency is what makes it worse.
Additinally it's an issue that will only get worse with HDR monitors, especially those that go to insane 1000nit peak brightness. Dark themes should have been standard a long time ago! It's amazing that we went from dark backdrop terminal monitors with high contrast text to constantly shining a bright blue-ish light in our eyes!
Otherwise keep up the great work. I'm very curious about the new GoG coming, hope the brightness issue is fixed by then because then I'd be more comfortable opening GoG. It's something minor but this is one reason I just prefer opening Steam because it's so dark and friendly on us night-critters.
that would be great
dark mode everyone
Si, si , por favor , un tema oscuro. Por aquí abajo proponen madera oscura, me sumo a su petición
Yes!, I want this Night mode on my GOG Galaxy As soon as possible, My eyes are more relaxed on my Blizzard/Steam ones. Please do it, Thanks!
Every program that runs on a screen should have a dark theme, if dark isn't already the default to begin with. Who wants to have blinding white light blasting in their face all the time?
As the forums already have a toggle between light and dark themes, would it be that difficult to extend it to the Library?
Maybe just the option to load custom css file would be best solution?
I really dig the aesthetics of this site, i naturally hate bright colored websites but the mixture of colors that gog uses blends really well together, with those compliments out of the way, i too would love a dark theme, my eyes would be really thankful!
Dark wood theme would be great
Я плохо знаю английский, но я поддерживаю эту идею. Как ни как, тёмное оформление мне больше по душе.
I do not know English well, but I support this idea. How not, the dark design is more for my soul.
Will be great to have a real Light theme to, with the left bar all in light colours.
With choice for colors please.
Yes! Definitely! It's taking way too long for dark themes to become standard fair in every aspect of computing. Besides, it wastes less power and saves your eyes.
There's a reason old terminals favoured a darker screen with bright text, at least I think there was. May have been a technical limitation.
44 comments about this wish