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"Family Sharing"/Link multiple accounts
Agree. Even it is DRM-free, I want to separately manage saves and achievements as well
Bardzo to dziwne, że tego nie ma, na steamie jest. W niektórych grach to jedyna możliwość, by mieć kilka sejvów, profili etc. jednak steam lepszy okazuje się.
This is really needed
Family Sharing and Parental Controls is a must have now and days. It's not that hard to implement especially since there are multiple resources out there to help you guys to get this started. And I hate to say it, but most all vendors have this ability/feature.
Love GOG but really need a way to family share with my son, sad the DRM free store lack family sharing and Steam has it.
Can offline install but be better to have a proper supported Galaxy option with said features and achievements etc
Absence if the feature caused me to stop buying games on GOG :(
This is a feature that has existed for years on Steam and continues to get improvements (on that platform). It is very frustrating that we cannot do the same here on GOG.
It is beyond irritating that I cannot share games I own with my children on GOG
Just got my son a laptop for Christmas, set up Steam with Family sharing, like being able to select which games he can play from my library. Would be great to have something similar with GOG.
This would be awesome. I would encourage my Family to download GOG Galaxy and have multiple libraries shared with new purchases being shareable, Since i prefer to buy from GOG.
please add console like family sharing where we can actually share it with family and friends without stupid things like cool downs and region restriction.
Would be nice to have a sharing featuring that's not tied to being in the same household too.
The lack of this make me buy the games on steam lol.
@venomtail - how is it worse? I think the new Family sharing is WAY better, we can finally all use the library at the same time (as long as we're not playing the same game, unless we own two copies).
Agree on family sharing. I am lately looking for a Steam alternative too. Family sharing is essential these days in order to remain competitive.
With Steam removing Family sharing we all knew and loved, replacing it with a fake that's unusable and inferior, I would absolutely pivot fully over to GOG if they had the same family sharing, I can just share games to my other accounts as I travel about and be stress free.
Can't have ALL my eggs in one basket on Steam, what if it gets worse? Already slipping downwards.
For DRM-free games, the main thing this gets is allowing my kids to more easily download games, and also cloud save functionality.
Family sharing: +1
"Shared Achievements" -1
This is something I would like to see, with one difference:
the restriction that only the title/license "owner" can get achievements, a "family" user would not. If achievements matter to them, they can get their own license and further support the developers.
I would also add that "friends" get ~X hours played time to try out /demo a title that a friend owns. Make that "X hours" relational to how long they have been friends. If they have been friends for less than 30 days, make it 2 hours; +30 days = 4 hours; +90 days = 10 hours; + 365 days = 48 hours; etc - which ever they go with, same as "family" that achievements are disabled until they buy it for themselves.
I agree. this would be a significant benefit to the platform.
Absence of this feature just make me regret of buying cyberpunk on gog...
I have purchased games for my 10 year old, who now has his own pc and we can't be both logged in to Gog Galaxy at the same time. So annoying. I am not getting my 10 year old his own account, he doesn't know how to handle it or anything. There should be no reason he can't login to my account on Galaxy. I am very perturbed by this.
Steam library can be used by just 1 user at any given moment.
GOGs library can be used by any number of users and on unlimited number of machines at the same time. You can do multiplayer with your kids, or you can play different games - all is allowed as GOG doesn't impose any technical restrictions, and the only legal one is that you're not allowed to install games on computers you don't own.
This is the true power of DRM-Free which GOG embraces.
Family Sharing on Steam, or Android, or Microsoft store, is a method by which these stores soften a bit restrictions they enforced. It's far from sufficient for most parents who still need to buy multiple copies of same game for their kids to play it together.
In my opinion, if GOG is persuaded to implement Family Sharing they'll need to also add some form of limitations which it doesn't have at the moment, otherwise people would abuse this system.
That would be the end of DRM-Free system. I'm really surprised so many people upvote this thread. Do you really prefer the Steam model?
it would be great feature specially as part of "parental control". parent can share game for their kids, watch which game they allowed to play, how many time they spend playing. and as parent we do not share any payment method in their account, they can play game that we (parent) purchase and share with them.
Definitely want this feature. Feels like penny-pinching to not have it, and only encourages account-sharing, which GOG doesn't want. Please add this feature, because if I live in the same house as someone, we shouldn't have to pay for the same game twice.
That would be awesome.
I have Gog Galaxy installed on a single PC that my son and I use for gaming. It is a SUPREME hassle trying to both play games in my library on a single PC. You have to shut Galaxy down completely from one account to use it on the other. Sheesh. It's 2021 already - get with the program.
My dad likes old games and will be happy to replay some.
It's legal to share games on your home computer, which is why even Steam (and consoles) has a Family Share option, installed games owned by the parent being able to be played by the kids without mucking up achievement staus for us would be a nice thing to have.
You can do this on GOG:
1. Have accounts 1 & 2 as friends.
2. Install needed game(s) from account 1.
3. Start them via Galaxy and "play" for a minute. Close all and logout.
4. Log in to account 2.
5. On the right tab got to Recent - Played by others.
6. Click on games - Mark as owned - Link exe.
Method not perfect but workable.
Yes please, we tried to setup GOG Galaxy on two machines and it did not go well.
Dear GOG, I really would like this feature since my brother and I both share our large Steam libraries.
Dear GOG I beg You for that functionality. That's "must have" in outr times.
I would greatly appreciate this feature being added. Logging in is such a pain because of Recaptcha. Last time I tried to log into my own separate account, it must have taken at least 10 minutes. I honestly wondered if I would ever be able to log in.
I'd also really like to see Family Shared games show up in my "owned games" list on GOG. I buy a lot of single player games for my kids on Steam that I also want to play when they're not around, but GOG is not showing any of those games in my list.
I'd also really like to have this feature. I prefer to buy from because I support their DRM-free philosophy, but it sure is easier for my kids to play the games I purchase on Steam.
It is disappointing that this functionality of sharing between accounts is not available. This is the point of DRM free imo.
Need this too
Yeah. This is something I and my wife would like to see.
Sharing is caring, right? ;-)
From 2017 on users asking for this and still no update on this? Sad...
Only thing stopping me from actually using this client is that it only has access to a fraction of games
I have three gamer kids and would love to share games with them.
This is why I buy on Steam: easy sharing games with my children
Dear GOG programmers,
With the global pandemic of CoVid-19 going one, I think to have a clear and simple system on games that can be bought once and enjoyed by the whole family (playing at the same time or not) like Google does with the "Family friendly" star badge, it would be VERY timely. Seriously... We all need it. Please.
Im signing this too.
Got shared steam-games with my bro, while i like galaxy so far, as its less full of bs (just want to launch my games, idc for more) im still having to use steam for the shared games
I'd like to add my voice in support of this too! We've already re-bought all the games I had on this account on my husband's account, as he had more originally than me anyway, but now that we are sharing the games on his account, we have to be careful not to mess with each others saves etc
i was basically forced to create a second account to save my console gwent progress and have to switch between accounts whenever i want to play gwent, it would be nice not to
It's sad to see this petition has been going since 2017 and still no word from GOG on this. Family sharing would be amazing, my BF and I can't share games we should be able to between our 2 accounts because of the cloud save issue. Please add this feature GOG!
Yes please! In our household we both have GOG accounts, and it's a hassle to log into eachothers accounts on our computers whenever we want to play one anothers games.
Originally we would have just had one shared account, but some multiplayer games (hello No Man's Sky & Diablo) still require you to have 2 GOG copies on separate accounts.
Enabling a family shared library would be amazing and user-friendly.
84 comments about this wish