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GOG Galaxy IOS and Android App
We really need this! Honestly, I don't even care if it doesn't launch games (I hate playing on mobile anyway). I just want to be able to easily access my whole gaming library (in the same fashion as GOG Galaxy syncs libraries from GOG, Epic, Steam, PSN, etc).
I don't play from my phone, but I typically do most of my game searches and purchases from it. I'd like to not accidentally repurchase a game I already own on a different platform.
There's a huge need for this, and a current tech vacuum that desperately needs to be filled! And, now that sideloading is currently making waves (thank you Epic), it would be a perfect time for this. No need to even deal with Google's bulls*** store.
Good Old Games, are you even listening?
I'd love GOG galaxy on my s20ultra. Even if it's as basic as the xbox android app to begin with.
It would be great to get games on my phone too, phones these days are more than capable of running gog's. Mines got a 8core cpu, a dedicated gpu, 16gb ram, 120hz 3200x1440 amoled screen, hdr10+, and 512gb ssd. It's a damn shame we don't get more games ported over.
Soooo pretty pretty please can we have an app!!
Soooooooooo, is this happening? Cause I’ve been trying to find ways to play GOG Games on IPhone w/ BT Controller. I’ve managed to be able to play very select games on “Amazon Luna” but that’s not that games I WANT to play that are in my GOG Library. So again, are we getting a GOG app for App Store? Or can we just get it with SIDE LOADING? I’m okay with Cloud Gaming/Side Loading as long as it’s stable. Xbox has Cloud Gaming, Emulators are on IPhones, controllers are supported. Can we get a GOG App?
I would love to play my GOG library on iPad. I would certainly buy more games if it was easily accessible on my iPad.
Yes please, eben if you can just "view" your library, that would be of tremendous help!
I game on my iPad Pro, and mobile, I would love to be able to access my GOG games on iOS and iPadOS.
Europe forced Apple to open its walled garden and allow third party AppStores. USA may not be far behind. Apple AppStore has a few emulators available today. GoG on iOS for iPad or iPhone would be great for those who mobile game on tablets and phones. Wish GoG could offer support for iOS devices.
Even just an android dosbox loader for DOS games purchased on GOG would be awesome.
I'd love to browse my cross-plattform library on mobile! For checking if I own something, for better conversations about awesome games from way back when and simply on the train ride home to choose what to play tonight.
I use GOG Galaxy mainly to manage my games over all plattforms (PS, XBOX, GOG, Epic, Steam, etc.). Would like to see the App on Android for quick checking if i allready own a game without the need of turning on the computer.
Wish I could play Master of Magic: Classic on my iPhone.
É tão necessário a versão para Android!!!
I'd settle to just read my game list to prevent buying games I already own but would love to grant it permission to read my ever growing Google Play library of games!
This would be so helpful!
This will be mind blowing. GOG made all games from steam and epic come under one roof and there's more. Need to see this on Android, which may prevent buying the same game twice.
This is awesome, hopefully it really comes true. :')
Ohh yeah!! Mobile app would be really nice!!!
Really need to be able to see my game library on my phone... Not sure why this has been ignored for so long. I mean start small and build up from there.
Please add it will also increase the number of users also so it's good for you and us
Mobile app should be done a long time ago... Every other known game launcher (Steam, Battlenet etc) has got mobile app.
Hel* Yeah!
what would it be like, steam link? GeForce Now? Some sort of companion app? or just playing the games?
Oh yes, please!
Looking forward this this as long as it syncs with the desktop version.
Is this close to being completed?
Would be amazing together with my Razer Kishi
Yes please
Yes yes yes
we need this!
30 comments about this wish