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Mod support in Galaxy
Я поддерживаю этот выбор. В данном случае мне очень хочется модифицировать Постал 2, но так как в Стиме она платная, а модификаций там очень ого-го-го! А здесь в ГОГ никак не связана поддержка модификации по играм. Что очень сильно нам придется заниматься так с модами и папками, что мама не горюй.
Steam's excellent mod support is the only thing that's holding me back from switching to GOG. Mod availability as well, not all mods can be found on Nexus or GitHub. It'd be an awesome feature to add!
I support this as well. I don't like Steam, but their mod support is a huge plus. Please think this over!
The lack of mod support via GOG is the main reason i buy on steam.
everything already said. we want to have mods on gog :) i personally dream of cyberpunk mods in launcher, cause i play on gfn, my pc is lightyears below even witcher 3 ng upgrade. for example adding mods to dayz or snowrunner, or surviving mars, on the fly, from gfn is just crazy cool, ton of new content, no need to install game or get powerfull hardware
Mod support is the only reason I buy games in Steam over Galaxy. Mods are essential. (Sometimes) infinite content. It should be essential to work on mod support for your client!
I heard about gog galaxy just today and installed it. Integration with other store clients looks nice, but the feature I really wanted was mod management.
Mod management would be the killer feature in this client.
or CurseForge.
Do a deal with Nexus mods and
This is the one reason I still buy games on Steam mostly. Please look into this feature!
In fact the process of adding non-store games should be improved to allow the user to allow two things:
Add launch parameters for all games allowing the choice to have multiple "shorcuts" (mods) or multiple launch options for one shortcut (game config options: DX9/DX10, Window/Fullscreen, ...)
Add non-store games not in the database (not found by the search engine) (eg. fan or indie games)
1,898-th this. :)
Add Vortex from Nexusmods integration to Galaxy 2.0 client
@vulchor It could throw a warning message when you choose to install any mod "If you install a mod the game will not be automatically updated. Updateing the game might result in the mod not working as supposed blah blah blah....."
Would be really nice if we could install mods this way. I'm sure GOG Galaxy would not install DRM-locked mods as some may be worried about.
if gog could cooperate with nexus mods or moddb so that we could be taken straight to one of those websites or that most of their mods (or all) could be downloaded trough galaxy
Steam workshop is cancer. Having anything like that would go in direct contradiction to GOG's core principles (no required online after download).
The fact there are steam exclusive mods should speak volumes.
Yes, at least to games that support modding, please add an official GOG Galaxy mod support like Steam with Steam Workshop. It doesn't need to be for every game, it only needs to be for those that already support it.
I would advocate for a close colaboration with Nexus Mods and their Mod Manager
I agree with milttollin. MODS for games like Neverwinter Nights would be excelent.
I'd stop purchasing from on the spot if not just DRM but /DRM-locked modding/ were to appear on it.
Mod support for games (especially the older ones) would be amazing.
Плохо переводит переводчик из браузера, но мысли понятны. Разработчикам просто нужно дать пользователям выбор версии игры - для моддинга это необходимо. На Steam игры обновляются до последней версии (можно отключить), но скачать необходимую версию нельзя. Если я купил игру - то дайте мне самому решать в какую версию я буду играть!!! Моды делаются под конкретные версии, нам нужна возможность выбора версии игры.
Because mod support varies greatly from game to game, I can only see something like this being a waste of resources for GOG, while also making Galaxy more bloated like the way Steam is with it's workshop.
All this would do is take away from the exposure of legitimate modding resources like The Nexus sites, which include different types of mods that could NEVER be supported with a client like Galaxy or Steam Workshop because they modify the executable or .dlls, or other areas of games that weren't officially made to be modded but nonetheless give us even better looking and playing games.
The Nexus sites have built a wonderful API and platform for installing mods easily on many games, The Nexus Mod Manager, and it has taken them years to get where they are today... and still it can't handle those types of mods that I described above. However, it still has advanced functionality and support for more variety of mods than Steam Workshop could ever dream of, plus it's completely user configurable and allows for running install scripts, allowing the user to deeply customize the mods that they install.
These are things that GOG couldn't dream to implement reasonably well, and instead, just like Steam Workshop has done, just hurts the modding scene by lessening the awareness of actual communities that develop and support your modding habits.
I love to see The witcher 3 mods installed via Galaxy.
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