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Offical Steam Integration
I know this opinion will not be popular here reading the contents of so many posts. My opinion is simply based on my own direct experience with "Client Dependant" DRM games and the Client services that control them. These client services look over our shoulders and use what they learn to take advantage of us and to effect our use of their site and this has caused a lot of problems from deleted saved games to the corruption of game execute files ruining games so they can't be played to removing software from my computer on no less than 4 occasions. Due to things like this I choose to avoid games that are sourced from one client service then sold on a different client. I made the mistake of buying one "On Sale" on one client because the source client did not have it on sale. I quickly found out that I had to run both clients to play the game or it would not launch. Running multiple clients in the background wastes resources. Most apparent if you have a computer with minimal ram. I back up all add-ons and mods I use in games on ANY client so that if they remove the add-on or mod I can restore it so my saved games don't crash at launch. This worked when a STEAM Client update corrupted the execute file for Deep Black Reloaded after I found a legitimate fix for the game when the new rights holder ignored requests from a large group of STEAM users after Valve responded telling us all that we had to go to the game developer / rights owner to get support. Even though it was a STEAM Client update that broke the game. A week after I "Fixed" my copy and had been playing the game after sharing how I fixed my copy with the forum of players asking for help with theirs, I caught STEAM / Valve restoring the corrupted execute file on my computer. I firewalled the game and fixed it again then chose to play it with STEAM in Offline Mode and my internet cable disconnected. They cannot alter my DB:R game files anymore. When let STEAM update games, DB:R and some other games are "Renamed" in a NON-STEAM folder. Once updates are completed, which sometimes includes reinstallations of the games I segregated, I delete the corrupted installations and restore my working and untainted games. All this is a personal choice. I prefer NON-DRM on ANY game. This is why I have purchased almost 400 games here on GOG. If I could replace all of the games in my "DRM Clients" I would buy them here and delete the DRM Clients.
The fact that Steam is not supported anymore is honestly kind of a dealbreaker for me.
Without an official integration that doesn't break every time, I'll very likely not make the switch.
I really enjoyed the fact that Galaxy integrated my Steam and Epic accounts. It was a unique feature among gaming clients and it is something really worth investing in.
Official integration when?
I agree. Steam needs to be an official integration, not just a community one.
On Steam, I feel threatened when it comes to videogame ownership despite the fact I purchased the rights to install them on my PC and play them. It's a different story what comes in the future. Steam most probably will shut down the licence of playing Steam games sooner or later, but GOG will persist these rights for all users for etenity. Like, it's GOG's literal task to fulfill. We better surpass Steam's arsenal so they can no longer force us to buy their games so we can buy them here which includes the permanent ownership, not just a temporary one.
I really wish I could access all my steam stuff. Since I cannot use steam anymore. Due to the fact that for some reason, someone God knows where um has hacked my account and steam won't help me out. So I went to GOG, but now I can't access anything and not to mention farmers life game, I really wish I could buy the actual DLC that's on steam. And then use it on GOG so yeah, that's my rant, right?
I would use gog far more if i could actually access my steam library from it
Everything between this comment and April 10, 2024 comment is spam. It was several pages of 'load more comments'.
For the LOVE OF GOD can someone do anything abouzt this spam?
their is a forum discussion steam integrations that has a working version of steam v1.0.4.0 but yeah an official one would be nice
For fuck sake, fix the Steam integration, it isn't working for years now. Or add an option to add games that aren't in your database manually (there is a plethora of great indie titles on Steam that you can't add to GOG Galaxy).
I also got a warning from my antivirus. This has been an issue for me for years now
ABaumer's fork triggers my antivirus with a Trojan detected. Not sure if it's a false positive or not.. :(
I just want to thank Naofumi88, i really was struggling with not having steam connected, but I tried the ABaumer fork and it really worked!
I did the same, download the windows installer with the zip installation.
Then I unziped it and later ran the auto bat.
opened both steam and gog galaxy,
then on gog went to settings to link accounts and tada! it worked very happpy!
I hoping there is not integration /buy over?.. cos steam does not support windows 7 any more.. and a lot of the Good Old Games will not work.. I keep a old win 7 laptop just to play my Good Old Games. And would not be happy if i could not down load drm free..whihc is why i buy from GOG.
As of writing I had just downloaded ABaumer's fork and have used it successfully to integrate with my steam account.
Navigate to the repo on
Find "Releases" on the right hand side. Select the most recent release. Download with installer (for windows machines) unzip project and run auto-copy-windows.
Once done you should be able to log into your steam account on GOG Galaxy and sync over your games.
Good luck!
I don't understand that they cant have a working steam integration... steam is the biggest game provider on the net... I have 11k games on steam and cant integrate it to Gog... that's a shame
FACTS!!! Only reason I started using GoG Galaxy was steam integration, which unfortunately I haven't gotten it to work and resync in over a year... went through all the fixes on the forums and none of them work at all :(
it is better if the integration is with a wallet, so that you can use one wallet for two sites and integrate games, while indicating which game is from which site. It would also be nice to make a simplified registration, if a person is not registered in steam, then he could easily do it from the gog website and vice versa, if the name is already occupied, then offer a variant of another nickname.
any words on official integration? can we expect one???
Now waiting for official integration.
1. ABaumher's community integration fork/fix ( @time of this post ver.1.0.8 ) is working.
- Check GitHub and download the integration.
- Replace old integration.
2. Another vote for official integration.
Steam may be more on the corpo side and there are things that we may not like, but their monopoly is undeniable.
The whole unofficial integration is kinda scary. The boilerplate or skeleton for making an add-on in Python is hugee for the actual functionality executed. Even if you can read thru the code, It's a lot of work to go thru all the included libs and the code as a whole and you can 'hide' something in so many places.
So essentially we need to believe in the author and that no 'unwanted' forks are made.
I'm not a big fan here.
Official integration is a must !
When already? It's so sad(
I would use Galaxy a lot more if the Steam situation was resolved. Even the beta plugin linked below doesn't work correctly for me. It only detects a small portion of Steam library and only shows 3 out of 15 installed games.
Thank EAXY!! And for everyone else wanting to get their Steam integration back - just use this link and follow the instructions:
Steam link has been broken forever. Will you ever fix it? Pretty lame GOG!
GOG and steam cant logg in
I can not link steam to my gog when is it going to be fixed??
Just adding my voice to the chorus.
I just wished they added the ability to change my Steam account that is connected to galaxy since I usually just open all my games through galaxy but now that I am deleting my old steam account there's no way to connect to my new one.
I wonder if GOG.COM actually reads any of these (I doubt it) ...
Any way here is my 2 cents worth on this subject encase they do read them: Dear #GOG.COM it has been more than 2 years now since you and Steam parted ways so to speak, PLEASE if you are not going to partner up with them again then end this thread once and for all and remove the option of Steam Integration from GOG Galaxy 2.0 once and for all...
Thank you EAXY!!!
You can install this - Version 1.0.7, close GOG, open .bat file, open GOG and in works!
Waiting 2+ years on a fix with gog steam sync. Any official news from gog on it?
I used to game on GOG a lot. Now that the integration is broken, I rarely use GOG anymore. Most of my friends are on Steam. Fix it you FOOLS!!
you gotta add Steam officially and bring joypad controls. that's it. I wouldn't leave the platform after that.
Why is it so difficult to integrate Steam?
please fix this its been years since my steam integration worked. what the hell .
I want GOG to be my main launcher! Please fix integrations!
No way to play with my twitch friends because I buy on GOG, this should be a TOP priority for GOG!
Currently the steam integration is broken, it's a nightmare. We need official integration.
Galaxy was my main launcher before the steam integration breaks.
now I don't even look at the GoG store as I use Playnite instead.
bring back the Steam integration and take my money.
Agreed, please make this a reality!
I am ok to take some risks with some account but not my Steam account. I do not want share my steam keys with I-dont-know-you . Please make it official, it would be great. And it would be great if I can enter an API (revokable) key instead of my log/pass. I did not look if possible but please Valve & GOG make it happends and I offer you a chocolate box.
if they finally started supporting steam, GOG would become my daily driver. Sad that it seems like they just dropped GOG Galaxy entirely
I have a couple of games that are through steam that still show up in gog but I have not been able to integrate with steam in almost 2 years...
Changed to steam plugin 1.0.5-beta, and now steam back to work...
People who got steam back to work, please like, mention, comment, etc...directly into PR to get this to Official ASA
69 comments about this wish