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Open source the Galaxy client
Enserio no pueden hacer su app de codigo abierto?
Esto haria que mucha gente apoyara al proyecto, añadiendo nuevas funciones, optimizandola y corrigiendo muchos bugs.
Pero parece que ni ustedes tienen un plan de desarrollo de la app, porque siempre nos entregan actualizaciones mediocres con simples "arreglos" de bugs. Una completa decepcion.
Where are we at?
we need it
+1 GOG, lead the way!
Open source and DRM free games go together so well, I absolutely support releasing the galaxy client as open source software, although hardly any games themselves are. But in my opinion the platform should lead by example.
I think open source will benefit GOG and users
Bump. It would be a win/win for all. Community will make it better and even create aproper Linux version, and GOG just profits from it even more. There is nothing to hide in this client after all. Just do it, seriously.
Would give me incentive to actually use Galaxy client at all
I find that petition for GOG support on Linux!
It's funny. All they had to do was release the source code under GPL or any other Free Software license. The community would port it to other operating systems for free. But apparently that's too hard for them.
GOG confirmed after 9 years of broken promises the Galaxy will never come to Linux:
Nice (but risky?) alternative to homebread Lin version
Unfortunately GoG has nothing yet to announce according to their support team. Neither OS nor Linux
Well.. Maybe FOSS is not always good for everything...
Why hasn't this been done yet?, it would do wonders for the user experience and would make GOG stand out from the rest. Release Galaxy under GPL v2 or v3!.
Like Bethesda's modding, AGPL-3 would allow us to make more kinds of add-ons and protections, which would also give the community a Potentially big boost while helping you guys out :)
Like even just posting the last update on Github under the Affero f-OSS License (SPDX identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later) would be perfect for the whole FCK-DRM initiative of the community :) I mean there's always the '(C) All Rights Reserved' header you can use instead as a compromise but wouldn't really help us make versions for other operating systems
Have you tried asking them on any *other place* than here?
and if so what was the response they gave?
Given how few updates there have been lately, you might as well leave it up to the community to pick this up. In the meantime, I'll be using Playnite.
Please GOG team, make Galaxy open source. Users will be able to do a great job with Galaxy and promote it significantly.
This would even be helpful to the release for Linux one if GPLv3 (or 2 and any later version+) license and community could help with things :3 Has been said to come for a long time now <3
It's about time!
This would be an absolute godsend for people everywhere.
Down the page is mention of my suggestion: integrate with Lutris. Galaxy and Lutris should be working together in a FOSS arrangement. Lutris has enormous community support, so you basically get an army of volunteers figuring out the hacks to make your Windows-only games work on Linux.
Don't just open-source Galaxy; throw your support behind Lutris and integrate Lutris recipes into Galaxy for a huge compatibility boost.
It could be ideal, could fix some of the problems people have now, be more secure and such, open to more plataforms, i don't know if this could go in hand with the Free-DRM policy GOG have, but it's pretty much close, best wish!
GPLv3 (or 2 and any later version) would be Ideal
I coulda sworn this made it to Mac Os so not sure why it's marked as in progress but seemingly ignored us asking after
+1 It would be more trustworthy and easier to port on other platforms (GNU/Linux, BSD,..) even not officially.
The GPLv3 whoud bee nice
FOSS rules. The marketing would easily offset possible downsides. People into GOG tend to be admirers of this culture, privacy-conscious, and similar. Plus, it would cather to purists still resisting a digital store. And yeah, imagine your own customers improving your product for free?
Could easily offset the cost of development and such by doing this.
they dont seem to care just download minigalaxy it works just as good as the offical one does
would be so nice
and it'd let us do the linux client ahah
That'd be awesome.
Also, in response to some others in the comments: no, open-sourcing code does not make software insecure, it actually makes it more secure by allowing everyone to audit it in some way, not to mention making it more ethical and private. Projects including Android, Linux, Firefox, Chromium, VLC, Gimp, OBS, LibreOffice, Signal, OpenSSH, Apache, and countless others are all free and open source software (FOSS). Linux is used by countless organizations, governments, and businesses; it's even the main OS used on the ISS. It's safe to say that if it wasn't for FOSS, the internet, and the world, wouldn't be anything like it is today.
Open-source is the ideal, but if that's impossible, at least flatpak it if you ever release it on Linux! A sandboxed closed-source app is better than nothing.
GPLv2 Only or MIT
@Hmz27: the GPLv3 allows the use of DRM, but due to the nature of the licence, they'd need to be GPL'd too, greatly reducing their efficiency.
I saw the in-progress icon but nothing has happened for a while, if it was open-source this would be easy to follow up on Github or something surely?
(I still think GPLv3 would be best for anti-DRM)
I've never voted on a Galaxy wish before, because I don't have any interest in Galaxy. But an open source version would allow people to put in the features they want and remove the features they don't. That would be awesome. For example, I'd love to have cloud saves and the downloader, but nothing else.
Great idea. But the 1.2 should be open sources, not 2.0
Please also vote for the CDPR Games for Linux wish.
@Offic3rHotpants usually open source apps are more secure than their closed source counterparts, because more eyes looking at the code can find and close vulnerabilities. Smaller apps are more risky, but the developer base for an OSS client would be a bit too large for that to be a problem.
This. It would make development so much easier for GOG since that means the community can port the client themselves. Plus, if GOG worries about features they want to keep for themselves, all they need to use is a copyleft liscence like GPL to keep their competitors from stealing features. Also what Hmz27 said, you could have proton support built-in and better compete against steam.
Can't agree more. GOG Galaxy 2.0 presents a very good idea but it has too much lacking to be a real alternative to any other launcher. If they are not willing to do it, community should at least be able to.
I think GPLv3 license actually protects users against DRM repercussions aswell, that could be a good match for the community
327 comments about this wish