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Using GOG Galaxy on TV with a controller
when will be available?
Would love this on my ROG Ally as well.
we need badly!
add this pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
C'mon GOG a lot of us are using big 4k screens so this is pretty important.
podrían adaptar el control de xbox one para jugar en el mortal kombat trilolly!
Auto Start gog galaxy without windows screen and well organized library with diffrent genre using it like its a consol but better. thats all i wish for
I'd like to voice my support for this idea as well. Such a great idea!
Please add this feature so all my games from GOG, Steam and Xbox game pass can be stream from single app. So I play all my games from living room.
I would never use Steam as a launcher again if this were an option. Would love to see this implemented.
Yes, I wish for this very much too!
This would be great. I really want a single app I can use with TV
Just use Steam and add all of your non Steam games to it. Problem solved
I'm definitely into this, been using Steam's Big Picture on my room pc since forever but I love the way its just simple to use GOG, except for the lack of support for controllers. Steam's solution is a pain 'cause you have to add every game manually... Vote up!
please add this feature!"!!!
I bought Disco Elysium on gog and now in order to play it with a controller, I have to add it to Steam to play it through that and forgo cloud saves/achievements.
The lack of controller support makes using Galaxy a non-starter for me. And I kinda wish now I'd bought my games on Steam so I could use all the features.
Please add this feature; Galaxy desperately needs it. The point is to play games, right?
faço coro aos pedidos e a unica coisa que peço sempre desdo do começo? o modo console e secundário, mas o suporte nativo aos controles, principalmente o Dualshock 4 que e o mais usado depois do de xbox e o mínimo pra gente , e questão de necessidade CD por favor nos ouça , agente não aguenta mais usar emulador e dar problema com o Bluetooth
Would make me switch from Steam Big Picture.
Yes, please! This is the only thing that makes me use STEAM more than GOG
exatamente eu uso o dualshock 4 no pc e sou obrigado a usar o ds4 windows pra jogar os jogos da gog e outras plataformas que não steam, pois só ela tem driver nativo de todos os controles, como gog aberto ninguém consegue adicionar os drives dos controles dentro do gog pra adiantar?
This TV mode is the only thing keeping me buying on Steam instead of GOG.
I just found this AFTER sending the same request to GOG support.
I'm currently streaming games from PC to an Nvidia Shield using Parsec. I don't want ALL the things Big Picture Mode does. But I do want a GOG interface with much larger text/icons and the ability to navigate with gamepad / controller (stick or dpad to navigate, right trigger to mouse1, left trigger to mouse2, etc).
I would like to dump Steam. Please add
GOG Galaxy has become my go to for my unified app since Launchbox doesn’t handle game pass games all that great and o would love for a TV Mode as a PC player who plays on a TV as much as I do at a desk. Especially with how much I reach to GOG first these days for things.
This would be fantastic.
YES, right now I have a PC in the sitting room that can connect to either my Main PC upstairs and partners PC through parsec. If we could run games in GOG similar to the xbox os we would be absolutely SORTED
Please, I love GOG 2.0 but this is the only thing favouring steam still
fullscreen with dedicated resolution setting and controller suöport and GOG Galaxy + nVIDIA Experience SHIELD Stream is the real NEXT Gen TV Console
without this feature i can't think of it as a steam replacement.
It would be great :)
please devs, make it.
Yeah! It's a must. It's a hassle to have to get up to change games or any task. Please, go for it...
Yesss I want a big picture mode for GOG galaxy. It's hard for me to add non Steam games just so I can play it on big picture
GoG devs, hear us some day....
GOG Team, please keep this request in mind. Pretty Please <3 There is currently no way to have full TV experience with controller only on PC. The only way to get close is to put all games to Steam and use Big Picture mode, but that is troublesome, for many reasons (some Origin games don't like Steam overlay, sometimes Big Picture mode doesn't launch properly games from other launchers and so on).
Dualshock 4 support also
I want this Feature Not only mouse to Start games
Yes yes! Please!
You need to combine these topics re: "Controller/Big Picture Mode" if possible @ GOG people. I spy at least 4 different topics on the wishlist that are all this exact same wish in different wordings. While Steam does this pretty well, I think you could do better utilizing some more Xinput features on Windows. And to the people thinking this just needs "navigation", it's unfortunately much more, like virtual keyboard support (imagine you'd have to give some text input like user name, savegame name etc...)
But, that said, it's absolutely doable on a more modern OS like Win 10. Don't know enough about Linux to judge for that OS.
Do. Now... please.
Please add this GOG.
This would solve so many problems for me. Be huge to have controller support, at the least, with the ability manage controller profiles for specific games. New UI that's more controller friendly is secondary.
100% support this idea. Please add GOG. It will take your market to the next level!
Also! Please do!
We need a Steam Big Picture equivalent for GoG Galaxy 2.0; it wouldn't even be that hard to do, just resize the UI and make it navigable with a gamepad.
This is essential, I only play all my games on a tv with a controller connected and absolutely need a mode similar to steams big picture mode so that I can truly enjoy GOG galaxy 2.0, please consider adding this as soon as possible.
I'm surprised with 2.0 this is not a thing now, it will really make my living room PC more like a console, and means I could finally use Galaxy as my all in one launcher.
yes, please!
70 comments about this wish