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Armies Of Exigo
Having it on GOG would be great, but small chances. The game is an abandonware. You can download it for free on the internet, the only problem is the optimization with windows 11.
I would like to buy this old game and try it
I would like to get this with high resolution and: "inkl. Deutscher Sprache / Synchro").
Bring it back
Join Armies of Exigo Community here:
I want Warstarcraft at home.
please add
I spent my childhood in this game, I really wish it was added
+1. It's the shame this game is abandoned.
Hi guys, we have a discord community for Armies of Exigo, where we play all the time and even host some tournaments. We would be happy to welcome you there:
Game of my childhood
I found a version of this game that works on modern windows. I dont know the exact source, it appears to have both english and russian, but it 100% works and if anyone is interested I could provide a link
please add this game.
Almost 3 years since my first comment on this and still waiting. Not enough people know about this game to be noticed sadly.
When will you add this game, GOG?
this is was my first pc game back in the 2009. would be buy instantly.
Not sure why It's not here yet. This game is a nice RTS. I would have bought it without think twice.
this game is so unique till this day there is no other RTS game that offer the same army design and movement and game play like this one hope we can play it again
I want to buy, but cannot find where.
Wondering if the people who commented right before me saw the same cinematics from this game that were posted on YouTube a couple of months ago...
I wish this game comes back. I really want to play the single player campaign again.
100% would buy armies of exigo immediately
yes please add this game
Yes. XD
please do it
I consider it the perfect combo of Warcraft and LotR rts. Graphics are just wonderful, the story was not really unique, but I know the devs couldn't even close it with a sequel. Gamplay wise the underground mechanic and the huge amount of units were just so refreshing and exciting. Hope to see it soon on GOG, I actually played this way before I met with Warcraft universe.
Black Hole Entertainment did wonderful job on this game. If EA hadn't been so business focused company, we would have probably already seen a remastered version or just a revive of this amazing game! I don't even think that a remastered version is needed, perhaps just an update / balance patch. But yes, I agree it would be great to see the game on GoG or Steam. People would definitely start playing it again :)
Really good game, please consider including it on your page
I still pray to this day for a digital version of this game. Along with Lords of Everquest...
Unfortunately, Black Hole Entertainment went bankup in 2012. Meaning that unless EA still holds the publishing rights, or someone purchased the IP from Black Hole, theres no way to for it to be sold "legally"
this game is so good, i actually preferred it to starcraft and c&c, but the bad thing was the replayability. The campaign though was a masterpiece, and i remember as a 14 yr old i loved getting promotions on my units, microing them back as they were more precious. would really like to see it on gog. it wasnt on steam either.
This game deserves a remaster IMO.
This is probably one of the better RTS' that died just because it wasn't StarCraft. Phenomenal game, please add!
Armie Exigo
Ït is actually very good. Feels unique for being so similar to StarCraft. Awesome design, and very good graphics for being that old.
Just came across this game. Surprisingly popular.
Add this marvelous game to the store pls!
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