1) In nine hells, by the trials that get you tears of bhaal items, you can have an alignment change to NEUTRAL EVIL, if you acquire even a single tear through evil/selfish action/choice. This is not a bug, and works as intended in game. Also, having an alignment change THIS way, Rangers AND Paladins do NOT loose their class, which is also NOT a but, AND intended.
2) Unfortunately, i have tried the trick i thought of and wondered whether it would work or not. I used the console to teleport there, took a tear the evil way, and tried many different combinations (dual after using it, first dual then use it, etc.). At the end, the results were the same as if i had not changed alignment at all, even if i leveled up after becoming Neutral Evil. Which means, NO evil cleric exclusive spells, can be actually leaned this way. Or the Druid HLAs. The cleric ranger, although neutral evil by game, is still treated as lawful good. He still cannot learn Unholy Blight, Unholy Word, or the Druid HLAs Greater Elemental Summoning and the 2x Elemental Transformations, because this character is NOT a Druid, obviously! Never mind actually, having a hybrid warrior/spellcaster with ALL divine spells minus only 4, is greater still in and by itself.
3) The only real problem is, and i would like if anyone can solve it, that because this character combination gets to learn TOO many spells simultaneously (both cleric's and druid's), and the cleric scroll is not as large as the wizard spellbook, at max level, the 7th page is both filled and overflowed, causing one spell to get off-screen (and thusly unusuable, as if non-existent). This is Symbol Stun, in this case; not a great spell, but why have it gone, especially if it had been present up until earlier? Can i have it displayed again, or is it gone for good?
P.S. Actually, loosing the greater elemental summoning is no big deal. Regular elemental summoning has a chance to summon either one of the princes, or a pair of simple, same element elementals. I am so happy, Ranger/Cleric is so good!
Post edited August 30, 2013 by KiNgBrAdLeY7