It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Not sure how much more though... Which is what I'm here to ask really.

Anybody know the entirety of changes made in gog's version vs us? And where can I get patches to fix them?

It definitely isn't just the children, there are also at least some noticeable dialogue changes as well as some images and perks , possibly more. (but I don't know exactly what, its more what I've read so not clear on extent)

except for a couple obvious relatively minor examples i saw off the bat like:
the images for chem reliant(druggie passed out in a corner) and chem resistant(stuck full of needles) are removed entirely and replaced by generic vault boy.

So does anybody know a complete list of what was changed in this version here?

(sorry forum folk to make a brand new post about this but didn't want to necro)
(Just realized there is a questions help area this would fit better in, if mods want to move it thats fine)
did a forum search about it and keep seeing the child patch was all that was needed so I asked....I'll look at the sticky again but it didn't seem to answer
doesn't really help answer the question, the sticky is a generic list fo fallout mods(shown by its inclusion of a bug fix patch only for the us version which gog is not) It doesn't say anything about what specifically gog's version is(uk? eu? localization? they apparently had different levels of censor to them(definitely isn't auzzy or german bloodless tho so atleast theres that)) or what specific differences/alterations there are to it vs the full us one

edit: should have but forgot to note when it happened(a bit(day or 2) after i posted this), but gog support has replied saying this is the uk version and linking to nma. He didn't seem to have an exact list but apparently they are all relatively minor like changing "drug" to "chem" or a slight cleanup on dialogue for some characters(ex:one guy that used to call you a bastard or bitch depending on gender now just says "ass") or the image swap I already mentioned. and that i could probably find a full list online somewhere)
haven't found a full log of differences or a mod that specifically changes it all back yet tho. if I do i'll post a reply with the link(did this one in edit because it's been awhile and didn't want to bump)
Post edited August 17, 2012 by TheGannet
high rated
It's not GOG's fault per se. Interplay provided them with EU/UK version of Fallout 1 (I believe this is same version that comes with Interplay's Fallout Trilogy pack as well.).

It's relatively easy to fix. Download and extact Fallout v.1.2.1 universal patch (eng) from TeamX into your Fallout folder. It turns your FO into US uncensored version. If you want, you can also install Fallout v.1.3 patch (eng) from same page. It fixes numerous bugs but is a fan made unofficial patch.

Fallout Mod sticky thread top of this forum would've given you same info but links in first post seem bit outdated (they point to older versions of the patches. NMA's fault really, they've not updated the mods.). I'm sure there are newer post with correct link in the thread though.
Is the Steam Version also censored like the gog Version?
Someone really should consider stickying this. It's bad enough that the game provided is censored, but all of the sticky threads regarding mods and the like seem to indicate that the children are the only thing that was edited, while this thread clearly indicates otherwise.
So is there a complete list of changes in the censored version? I'm curious.
Gazoinks: So is there a complete list of changes in the censored version? I'm curious.
It depends on localised version but here's the list of changes for EU version:

UK and EU users
* Children animation is bundled with the patch and enabled in the game engine.
No additional installation of children patch required.
(falloutw.exe, nachl???.fr?)
* Strange Razor's offensive exclamation "You (male)Bastard! (female)Bitch!"
changed to "You ass!". Just like in the US patch. (razor.msg)
* Removed due to censorship "Drug resistant" and "Drug reliant" traits'
pictures are back now. (addict.frm, drugrest.frm)
* Replaced due to censorship occurencies of words "drug", "addiction", etc.
are back now. (25 .msg)

EU users only
* It's no longer possible to ask Lars to go and take down Gizmo before
getting the evidence. (
* Removed due to unknown reason option to leave Militray Base security system
dialog without attempts to hack the codes or enter them blindly is back.

For full list of changes, check the ReadMe.