paladin181: It's just a small slice of the problems. Inconsistency combined with hypocrisy. Beautiful. I don't hate them. But I don't like the whole double standard mentality.
Several staff have been doing it near forever with various issues/topics/ from my POV it's nothing new.
An example(just an example I noted recently): Various gaming related threads that are ontopic/within rules/civil(or mostly civil) over the last month or so have gotten locked seemingly based on staff preference or bias alone, while others on similar topics have usually not gotten locked if the stances/beliefs expressed swung in the other direction.
pippin15: teddy, the fact that the forum users are sh*tposters and don't follow the suggestions and rules is hardly gogs fault
Actually, they're (mostly) not sh*tposters......that would be the ones posting actual trollish this case it's moreso that people seemingly don't bother checking to see where their posts will land first before posting.
(i.e. people can't be bothered to check, likely in part due to some laziness)
Yes, the end results are the same(floods of new threads that should be in the subforum being here), but they're (for the most part) sh*tposters.
pippin15: ....they keep telling themselves they are "better" than steam... in what way? i dunno
I do, however, somewhat agree that the userbase here (in general) seems to sometimes think they're better than steam and social media, even when that has been shown to not be the case on several occasions
(To anyone reading this who might be a bit offended by the above: many on GOG forums are good eggs.....but people here can be good and bad just like on's just that on steam there are more users and the modding can be a bit lax in some forums there, making it look worse by comparison on steam forums)