kai2: But I'm wondering if...
... I enjoy adventuring and dungeon crawling with others, even if those others are AI?
Leroux: Well, how do you feel about this when you play Blade of Darkness?
That's an interesting question. I haven't played Blade of Darkness for many years... but don't remember it as being quite as oppressive as Dark Souls... although it was certainly solitary, enclosed, and "mechanical" gameplay. When I pick up the recent GOG release, I'll let you know.
Potentially it's my age showing -- I'm just losing an affinity for certain games... or like movie genres... I'm not always enjoying certain kinds of entertainment. We'll see...
Leroux: For me the most striking difference between Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls is still that IIRC adventuring in Dragon's Dogma is mostly seamless, like
"Whoah, what is that huge thing over there? Let's sneak a bit closer and check it out. Yikes, it saw me, now the fight is on! Uh oh, I think I'm way over my head, let's get out of here and come back with new strength or a new tactic."
vs. DS's more restrictive
"Let's go this way. Surprise, a CUTSCENE! You're locked in this arena with a big boss now. Quick, think of a good tactic! Dodge!!! Aaaand you're dead. Enjoy the next 5 minutes of trying to get back to where you were before, fighting all the smaller mobs again." ;P
Yep, that's Dark Souls in a nutshell. ;)
Spent a few hours and 500 wood arrows killing the Fire Drake (or was that a Red Dragon in Dark Souls?). Hooray.
Leroux: And if my memory does not deceive me, DD is more of an open world while DS is larger open sections but progress is halted by the bottleneck of obligatory boss fights? But I have to admit, I've never played DS beyond the second boss, and it's been a while since I've played through DD (once).
Most certainly... except for Bitterblack Isle which was certainly a tip o' the hat to Dark Souls. I think the open -world allowed for me to walk (or run) away from engagements and do light busywork in areas that felt much less threatening -- a pressure-release.
If I was to analyze myself based on what you brought up...
... I would say...
... I enjoy difficult games, but I hate the consistent feelings of claustrophobia, loneliness, and pressure in Dark Souls. I can put up with them for awhile simply enjoying the challenge, but for playing any length of time, I need a pressure-release either via AI companion interaction or an open-world to "disengage" for awhile. Probably the same reason I enjoy few horror movies.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Is that statement intended to imply that Dark Souls
isn't a horror game? Because it definitely is. It's a fantasy/horror hybrid.
Yeah, you're right. It's definitely dark fantasy.