BlackThorny: Hi there, how's it going?
I have a Feature request... though it might be a stretch for a request for Adalia Fundamentals so any advancement could be viable.
Feature Request : Gift List (could cause overhead while sorting through lists so might be good to use cache on this one)
- A list of Gifts you obtained; Similar to the currently implemented Wishlist
- An option to add a direct link to the list to the Account menu under Orders & Settings
- An option to sort said list by name / date acquired / type of acquisition (Promo/Purchase) / redeemer / filter all redeemed
- An option to show titles outside of multi title single key (with clear identification the title is part of a multi key)
- An option to add your own gift codes not originating from the account (such as those coming from extras)
- An option to add gifts of games not currently on your account to the shelf with a (greyed?) unredeemed gift status...
- An option to add "Gift from: User" status to games on your shelf
Thanks for all the good work!

adaliabooks: Sorry for the delay in replying to this, but I've been really busy at work this weekend.
I'm not sure how much of this would be possible... first and foremost adding a 'new' section that's not already on the site is probably beyond my capabilities (and I know because I just tried to implement a public library feature for sharing your owned games and I couldn't get it to work) so unless it could be achieved with changes to a current part of the site I'm not sure what I could do...
That being said, some of what you are suggesting could probably be achieved with changes to the orders and settings section. But I'd have to have a good poke about at that section (and the info provided for gifts and gift codes) to see what would be possible...
I'll call it a maybe for now, but don't get your hopes up...
No problems, thanks for your feedback! :)
As mentioned, It already seemed like a stretch while posting,
so I made sure to list anything relevant to allow some clarifications regarding what's possible (maybe) and what (most probably) isn't.
Regarding the adding of a new section, I think this should be actually done through Magog, all I asked was a courtesy link,
and storing some data as cache that Magog can use?
Not really sure how Magog works with local cache but I assume you did something similar while storing the shelf arrangement?
Now that think about it, maybe it's worth taking a look at
Barefoot Essentials for some of these, including the library sharing.