Posted June 19, 2016
high rated

AF 1.5.7 released 18/05/2016
Firefox 47.0
Windows 7 SP1
View: all games
Own 430 games not hidden
Resetting sort order with Sort by: Title selected and no page refresh exports a sort order with the following numbers. There is no 200-299 and no 500+. The games skipped are between 200 and 299 (they seem to be fed to the end of the pack with new higher sortby numbers)
0-199 and 300-499
After refreshing the page and exporting again (no second reset), I get 0-429. But the first 30 listed are the last 30 of my library alphabetically (should start at 400-429).
Then 229-332 are the next to last 103 (so a total of 133 games are misplaced sorting solely by alphabetically) games in my library, however they are supposed to start at 296 instead of 229. If the games were listed in sort order on the export printout, this would be trivial. But as it stands it requires a lot of time-consuming search and replace to get the objects I want. I don't know what's causing the issue, but I hope my information is helpful in identifying it when you get the chance to see it. As it is I use notepad++ to search and add line breaks to make managing the document far easier.
Just to clarify, are any games actually missing from your library? (that was an issue we had a while back when manual sort and all games showing were introduced)
Or when you say "There is no 200-299 and no 500+" do you mean in the sort by numbers.
It does sound like the same problem we had before (pages returning out of order) as that often had the last (smallest) page return first and show up at the start of the library. But I had thought we had it all sorted, so unless something on Gog or a later change in the script broke it I'm not sure why it's happening.
I'll investigate anyway as soon as I have a chance (which should probably be soon enough, we've had to cancel our work this weekend because of a problem with the van so I'll have more free time than expected...)