Posted August 16, 2016
high rated

You are right, as soon as a conversation is opened it loses it's unread status so drops down the sorting list, so if you have two messages the one that opens first will always show second in the list (because it's no longer unread).
As for why it opens the last sent instead of the unread one... that depends on how the first opened room is chosen, and it doesn't appear that it is the first on the list.
If it's the last active conversation then the one in which you replied is technically correct (as your reply is now the most recent of all messages you have sent or received)
What that doesn't do is explain why after you had read a message and not replied, the next load gave you that message first and the load after gave you the other one... the only difference seems to have been re-enabling AF, but as once both messages had been read opening person B is actually the right choice I don't think that's a bug.
Anyway, I think the issue basically falls on the way Gog (or AngularJS, as I believe they use the default sorting function) sorts things and possibly just an odd choice of sorting for the first conversation to open. The somewhat annoying fact that an unread message counts as being read as soon as it's opened (as opposed to say once you have changed to a new contact or left the chat screen) also leads to unusual behaviour of moving names up and down the sort order.