Posted December 21, 2015
high rated

Tried "All" with my library (1219), using "Legacy Wood". Seems to work fine. Good show!
The order of the games, which should have been by title, is incorrect in this case. Within a 100-game "sub-page" the order is correct, but the order of "sub-pages" is incorrect. It is something like: page 1, page 7, page 5, page 2, etc.. Resulting in an order that look A,B, L, M, G, etc.
I have seen something very similar before, when Barefoot updated his wiki library BE code. I reported it . You might want to ask Barefoot. Or you could ask this guy called adaliabooks, who seemed to know something about it [url=]here.
Yeah, as I mentioned above I messed up the sort order and it's just showing them in the order the ajax returns them rather than the correct page order. But I've fixed the syntax and it should work. I was just waiting to hear from you or foxworks to confirm it was working on larger libraries before I pushed another update which may end up breaking something ;)
No, just haven't got around to doing it yet. It should be fairly straight forward so I'll have a look now.