Posted August 22, 2017

Why yes, I am a Major General
Registered: Jan 2012
From United States

Patched fista1
Registered: Jun 2013
From Slovakia
Posted August 22, 2017
It seems that Microsoft is so desperate for selling more Windows 10 licences that they are even releasing a new Age of Empires game :D
But now seriously, it's good to hear that AoE IV is in development :)
But now seriously, it's good to hear that AoE IV is in development :)

epic meh.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted August 22, 2017
I liked AoE 3 for two reasons - the story was fun and BOMBARD SHIPS!

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted August 22, 2017
I hope they try to add some truly new features for the series while staying true to the classic rts feel. Perhaps weather effects, day night cycle or the ability to move units through forests. Or could you do the latter in AoE3 already?

New User
Registered: Aug 2015
From United States
Posted August 22, 2017
Its not that bad really, when you consider that eventually we WILL have to play games only by streaming (think if on-live actually worked) its only a matter of time until technology/bandwidth gets us there.
user deleted
New User
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017

Not to mention most companies that have tried like OnLive and PSNow haven't really caught on to any significant degree.
And even if it becomes a standard 10 years from now, I doubt it will kill traditional methods of delivery. For instance with the rise of streaming for movies and tv shows... it still has not killed physical blu-rays / DVD's and that is because people still like to own things and because the quality is better.
Gaming will likely be the same.
Post edited August 23, 2017 by user deleted

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted August 23, 2017

No win32 = no use for me.
user deleted
New User
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017

As far as picking the location, the windows store will show a box where you can change what hard drive you want to use for very large games. You can also go to settings -> system -> storage-> change where new content is saved -> select different hard-drive for apps. You can also go to settings-> apps -> select app -> and move it (due note if you remove the storage medium used like an external hard-drive, windows may no longer recognize the games).
Phantom Dust (I think this is what you meant) is around 10 GB, you can find an exact size I believe under settings-> apps.
Yes there is. Go to the start menu, find the game and click on it and drag it to the desktop. A shortcut will then be made. You can do this with any app. You can also pin to taskbar by right clicking on the app in the start menu -> more -> pin to taskbar.
Post edited August 23, 2017 by user deleted

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017
Cool to see AoE coming back with a new entry.
I thought the first one was good, not great; the second is fantastic; and the third is great but not to the level of 2.
I was a little disappointed that there was seemingly no identifiable Middle Ages art, but it'll probably be there anyway. I am not so sure what to think if they don't focus on a single age. Rise of Nations and Empire Earth both did that and RoN did it very well and EE did it alright. Depending on the entry for EE.
I did not like the one Relic game I have played all that much, but I'll give a little benefit of the doubt.
I thought the first one was good, not great; the second is fantastic; and the third is great but not to the level of 2.
I was a little disappointed that there was seemingly no identifiable Middle Ages art, but it'll probably be there anyway. I am not so sure what to think if they don't focus on a single age. Rise of Nations and Empire Earth both did that and RoN did it very well and EE did it alright. Depending on the entry for EE.
I did not like the one Relic game I have played all that much, but I'll give a little benefit of the doubt.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted August 23, 2017

I indeed meant Phantom Dust, but I couldn't check as I'm posting this from a different user account.
Post edited August 23, 2017 by DubConqueror

Crossing the Rubicon
Registered: Jan 2017
From Spain
Posted August 23, 2017

The campaign was another problem for me. It was a victim of the Da Vinci Code frenzy that had to put secret socities on everything.
No complaining about bombard ships.

In the end it just felt overly scripted. When you play any AOE 2 map there are always tons of ways to win it, not so much with #3.

Despite all of this, Age of Empires III had a lot of merit. It was possibly the best looking strategy game I had ever seen at the time, and had the most diversity in military units and ships of all the saga. I also remember a lot of talk in the community about how the AI (the weak point of every strategy game) had been greatly improved, compared to previous games.
Post edited August 23, 2017 by Caesar.

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

J Lo
Playing A Wonderful Life on Gamecube.
Registered: Jul 2013
From Canada

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted August 23, 2017
2nd guy in the past week, though I'm guessing it's the same guy.
His previous self hit a dozen or so threads, replying to someone but changing that actual links.
I guess we should go around and check what else his newest account has done and maybe report him.
Good catch Painted_Doll. You should be a PI or something. :D
His previous self hit a dozen or so threads, replying to someone but changing that actual links.
I guess we should go around and check what else his newest account has done and maybe report him.
Good catch Painted_Doll. You should be a PI or something. :D
Post edited August 23, 2017 by tinyE