Posted November 21, 2021
My opinion?
Don t support Activision, that is my opinion.
It looks nice, but they intentionally made the women ugly, as the developer
responsible for those designs did show. Yes he released to original "sexy"
designs of the Amazon and Sorceress and Assasine on artstation.
If you want to play D2 "remake" and can stand slightly worse graphic
GRIM DAWN (already the better Diablo 3)
Install Reign of Terror mod for it, current Version 7.1.0
You will get a nice Diablo 2 and Diablo 1 experience with that
Yes they made ACT 6 that brings back D1 dungeons.
Just try it, doesn t look "much" worse imo, also you didn t throw money at
Activision and that company (as well as others) just need to burn down these days
Don t support Activision, that is my opinion.
It looks nice, but they intentionally made the women ugly, as the developer
responsible for those designs did show. Yes he released to original "sexy"
designs of the Amazon and Sorceress and Assasine on artstation.
If you want to play D2 "remake" and can stand slightly worse graphic
GRIM DAWN (already the better Diablo 3)
Install Reign of Terror mod for it, current Version 7.1.0
You will get a nice Diablo 2 and Diablo 1 experience with that
Yes they made ACT 6 that brings back D1 dungeons.
Just try it, doesn t look "much" worse imo, also you didn t throw money at
Activision and that company (as well as others) just need to burn down these days