Posted January 25, 2016

This is the first year in about 8 years I haven't watched any football. I just didn't have the time, energy, or interest this year. But, I must say, I hate the patriots and Belicheaterpants, I can't believe he's still allowed to coach, he should be banned from even coaching HS.
1) I too have been "off" football for a while. I actually haven't watched it in about two years, for numerous reasons I won't get into. I DID watch this game though (my father and I recently lost someone close to us, he is still a VERY big football fan and I thought making a bunch of snacks and watching "the game" with my dad was in order this year - boy am I glad I didn't decide to wait "one more game" for The Superbowl - my previous post to tinyE should let you know I thought this one was in the bag for the Pats - whoops ;) ).
2) I was a HUGE Brady / Belichick fan. Greatest QB / Coach combo of all time. But seriously, Brady has become the quintessential QB "prima donna" (VASTLY different from his early years) and Belichick is like Nixon level egotistical / shady. I HATE that everyone around here will make all sorts of lame excuses and arguements and "why us" sports whining! THEY CHEAT! Accept it - don't make excuses for it, don't use tortured logic to try and get around it, don't point out every lame little issue that crops up with other teams. It's so bad around here I swear Bill could run down an old lady at 12 noon and the media / fans here would disparage her for not being at home knitting.
Anyway, rant off ;)