kdgog: I've no idea how to get all this alienation noticed by the people at GOG who have the power to change anything. If those in charge of GOG were doing their job properly they would be aware of all this already, and would have resolved the situation (and if they were competent they'd have avoided it in the first place). But, just in case the decisions are made by people who don't pay attention to the public mood, this really needs forwarding to them. The board and senior directors should be passed all the comments, emails, posts, blog posts, forum posts, Tweets, Facebook comments etc on this issue so they can see how much they have upset people.
Please pass that on to the senior GOG staff. At present I can't tell if they are oblivious to the situation (which would suggest a huge level of ineptitude and unsuitability for the role), or if they enjoy lying to and insulting the intelligence of their long-term customers (which is reprehensible).
About "getting noticed" - one way to achieve that is to be an investor (easy: buy some shares) and use your investor rights (shareholder meeting etc). If you want to be taken seriously (by other investors - this may be critical for success because if other investors take you for an interruptor CDPSA may get away with not seriously responding to you) you will have to imply investors perspective though. Having hard data to back up your claims would help. Having good hard questions ready would also help.