Maxvorstadt: What kind of floppy drive, if I may ask? Because the floppy for the C-64 (1541 and the likes) was very slow, but that was due to the lame algorithm it used. It was possible to use a program that did overwrite the original floppy algorithm with a better and faster one.
tburger: The one you've just mentioned - 1541. But at the time I purchased floppy drive - I already had Action Replay cartridge that increased speed of loading games from floppies.
Ah, that cartridge was used by many people to cheat! Confess!!!! :-)
But I must admit, that it was very usefull. U could make a copy of the situation in a game, so you were able to play that extremely difficult part of a game agai and again until you were good (or just lucky) enuff to beat that part of the game. :-)