Ilan14: I would like Strife if no-one else has taken it yet. :)
Unless... There's more to come?
Sadly the giveaway is coming to a close, but it was fun for some while it lasted, eh?
Also granted....check yer PM. :)
ReaperAA: I'll have system shock 2 and Unreal Gold ;)
To claim your games you must accept me as a friend and have your PMs set to friends. Will await your reply. :)
(Note: to be fair to others you have until 8 hours from now or so to reply...if not I will give the games back to the list for others to grab)
To All: The ONLY game left is Deponia 1.....the other 2 games(SS2/Unreal) are earmarked for the user above, but if he doesn't claim them in time they will go back on the list :)