phaolo: WTF? They lost their own game? -_-'
It's not that uncommon... people move on to other projects, other companies, etc. Eventually file cabinets, hard disks, etc. get dumped in the basement, replaced, etc. Companies change hands and don't always go through all assets with a fine toothed comb... hard disks die and lose data, sometimes nobody has made backups or has no idea if or where they may exist...
I've heard of it happening many times actually. One story I recall was over a decade ago (around 2003 or so) when Dreamworks was in the process of figuring out their transition to Linux strategy, they intended to convert all of their business computing at all levels to Linux. There was this one piece of software (I forget the name of it) which they used which ONLY ran on Mac, and they tried to contact the company that wrote it many times and were not getting much out of them. They wanted to pay the company to port it to Linux, but just got mostly ignored as I recall. Eventually they offered to just buy the rights to the software and source code outright and the company finally responded that they could no longer find the source code. :) So... Dreamworks ended up writing their own custom program to replace it in-house from scratch.
Kind of sad that companies invest so much money in software development but end up having incompetent people managing or administering the long term longevity of their assets like this that though, really a shame.