Posted March 14, 2017

Some games require some work, like Civ IV. And would probably prefer if you're using the actual driver provided by your video card maker, rather than the open source one.
Others need to be installed on your actual Linux partition or have enough files to fool the game into working because otherwise it simply won't work.
Games with launchers and frontends tend to be tricky.
Some experience bugs with mouse acceleration and such and are best launched from a virtual desktop.
Thankfully, Wine can be made less obtuse though several methods. Now personally, I don't like Play On Linux because that involves having multiple versions of Wine installed as I understand it. But recently I gave Q4Wine (a basic launching frontend a try) and aside from most of the UI being invisible due to a lack of a proper QT theme being installed. My fault.
A lot of older games won't run though wine because they run though DOS instead. Now as unfun and pedantic as it is to load up a program though DOSbox itself, due to the command line nature of it, I find myself using a frontend like Dosbox Game Launcher to be a much nicer experience.
Also, if the native versions do fail to run properly, send us a Support ticket :)
Post edited March 14, 2017 by JudasIscariot