GR00T: This all ties in with backing up the game installers, as I referenced in my first post. In your first example, how would you go about setting up your kids with game installs? Probably not by accessing your library on GOG.
Depends on the size of the game and your internet speed. If both kids want to play Ultima 1 and you have a 1Gbps internet at home, you might choose to download the installer twice on both PCs, instead of copying the file around with an USB memory stick, especially if you don't have one available.
I think it is irrelevant for that case, the point of the issue was that the required client (in this case Steam) wouldn't allow both kids to play the game at the same time, at least without some extra hoops. How the game got installed on their PCs is less important for that issue.
GR00T: Same with data capped connections: you'd likely grab those installers when you buy the game and have them sitting on some kind of storage ready for you to install when you want it.
Not at all. For instance, you bought The Witcher 3 GOTY at your home over your data capped and slow GPRS 2G phone connection, and it has been sitting there in your account for a month when you finally get an itch to install and play it. Then you go to the local library or your friend's house, download the installer files for that one game to your USB memory stick, and bring it home in order to install it.
GR00T: These are all reasons to back up your installers. Maybe my first post was unclear on what I meant?
Not sure what exactly you meant by "backing up". If you meant routinely downloading all your installers even when you are not going to play them in the near future (which is also what I think of as backing up), then I don't see that is required for either of those cases.
If "backing up" just means the process of downloading even a single game on some other PC so that you can then transfer it to the target machine and use there... ok, but I don't consider that as "backing up your GOG game installers". You might just as well delete the installer right after you have installed it, at which point it is not backed up anymore.