rtcvb32: Career choices would be easier if there were jobs. I've put in applications and gotten no replies. And what i'm good at (
programming & computer tech) there aren't a lot of openings, and there's
LOTS of extra programmers who are more experienced than me so that doesn't work well (
Microsoft a few years back let go 30,000 programmers at once...).
Certainly there's procrastination unfortunately. But getting past the BS is more annoying. When i went to get into a welding class the big intro course they wanted me to take before they'd even let me fill out an application involved a bunch of BS. 51% of the campus were male, 34% were full time, 60% were white... I wanted to yell
SHUT THE F*** UP! ALL I WANT IS A WELDING COURSE! but no.... So i didn't end up with welding even though i wanted it.
Certainly there's fear or rejection, but that isn't why my morale falls. I need a companion/lover, and i can't seem to find one. So while looking and never finding, my emotional state hovers just at the line of neutral... which is a f*** all state not allowing me to progress, but just high enough to not consider other permanent solutions to '
temporary' problems.
EDIT: Interesting... 'fuck' for some reason was breaking my post... hmmm...
We got a winner. This is why you feel this way. This is surely where your problem is.
You sound alot like me, too. I'm currently unemployed, but i'm self-taught in C++, Asssembly (ARM, Atmel, x86), and the list goes on. In fact, i'd settle for anything that was 14 an hour or higher, but but i keep getting told i'm not even qualified for the 12 an hour jobs. I have a girlfriend, pretty stable, the only thing keeping us from getting on with our lives is that all the jobs are for people who are looking for secondary income (walmart, kitchen work, mc donalds, etc) or are jobs that most definitely are paying too low for what they're asking (factory work at 10 an hour) or jobs that have ridiculous entry requirements (must be below 30, but must also have a degree and 10 years of experience).
I know what you mean, it's getting really old, and to some degree, I have trouble playing video games when i'm reminded of the issue. Currently, the only thing worth looking at is a police job offering 15-20 an hour. I have a feeling that since i was clinically diagnosed with a mental disorder (ADHD), that the one question on the application (which must be answered honestly) will disqualify me for a job, since it's a yes-no question, with no room to write ADHD. And the best part, everyone who's "helping" me, is pushing for me to go to this "job fair," tomorrow, and I know what will be there: all the jobs that are trouble hiring people, for the same reasons stated above. Why in the world does state police require a degree "in anything?" I'm 28, I don't have time or money to go back to school. I need a decent paying job now, not tomorrow, and I don't need to be paying off my college loans when i'm trying to retire.
Lord_Kane: Stop watching Alex Jones :P
rtcvb32: O.o are you watching me through my tv? j/k
Lord_Kane: Seriously, if you want to go into welding just take the courses you need too, ignore everything else, you are there to learn, stop worrying about everything else.
rtcvb32: I was TRYING.... but they apparently have these requirements that make no sense. I tell them i want welding and only welding, and they want to have me talk to a career discussion for placing me... when... i told them i want welding...
Uggg... I just gave up there. I'll try again later as situations change.
For me, when they do this, i humor them, and they make me an account on their website with a half-assed resume. I'm pretty sure that resume is hurting my opportunitites.
Lord_Kane: uggh, I hate that shit, fucking bureaucrats.
rtcvb32: Yep. If they let me fill out the information, in 15 minutes i could have been set up, got my GI Bill going, signed up for 3 courses and be a Welder in like 6 months...
Who exactly is holding you back?
Sarang: I was actually curious about something OP. You're on the Autism spectrum, do you know any languages besides English? If so, which ones and how did you learn them?
rtcvb32: Programming languages yes, as for spoken/useful languages, not so much; Just a few words in a few other languages and that's about it.
We can change that, if you want, but that's not likely to help the present problem.