kohlrak: But i'm not talking about the removal: i'm talking about why CDP is so vulnerable to attack.
It's quite simple. SJWs hated GOG for the "games journalism" twitter post, and never forgave them even when they fired people responsible.
SJWs hate CDPR because the women were attractive and the men were manly, and it didn't force diversity into every facet of the game at the expense of world-building, lore, and consistency.
The only people that had the backs of CDP were actual gamers.
Now, CP2077 has released in such a state that it is bricking consoles (standard PS4s in this case) and is all-but unplayable (if not outright unplayable depending on hardware configuration). What's more, some of the game's (single-player) content is locked behind an "optional" client even when sold as DRM free.
Now GOG has done a triple reversal 360 backflip and stated that "many gamers" are the reason they are not listing a game that was once, in one small way, critical of the Chi-knees on Mainland Taiwan, which everyone knows is bullshit.
They turned on the only people that had their back, their actual *paying customers*, and blamed *them* for the censorship.
It shows a complete lack of character, or integrity, of ethical behaviour, of anything resembling decency.