dewtech: People and certain world powers should stop playing world police. Let every nation and country choose what they want to believe.
Everyone knows the saying that smart people learn from others' mistakes and dumb people only from those they make themselves.
I was just going to post this.
What is wrong with you people?
Either you're democrats (democracy advocates) or you're not, there's no sense on being half-ass democrats who only believe in democracy when a leftist party wins. I'm not christian nor I see myself on the right hand, but I'm extremely TIRED of foreign states trying to fix up another country. In case you don't know, that's what has been going extremely wrong since 2001, and let's better not talk about Cold War and the neutral countries.
The Americans indeed are crying about this right here at the moment with both that lunatic Trump (as I truly believe he lacks of any kind of ideology, he's not even a libertarian) or the socialist Sanders, as they both represent a CALL FOR SOVEREIGNTY in the whole end.
They're just saying they can't be held responsible of the world problems, one of them rejecting to impose their politics outside it's borders and the other one rejecting illegal foreigners.
Like it or not, PiS clearly won the elections and now, as many modern democracies, it has been given a full 4 year ticket to rule however they want. You can argue about that no being so democrat, and then I'll agree and I'll tell you:
Why didn't you vote for a party that had on it's program to depoliticize the state institutions, include half-a-year referendums like in Switzerland, or to just ensure or enforce on your constitution the democratic values that you believe on?
I don't know how Poland exactly works, but man, I can tell you that when you give a party a 51.5% of the votes (ABSOLUTE MAJORITY), you're giving them a free ticket to either fuck up your country by not attending to any claim from their opposition or to fix what needs to be fixed.
I'm not going to leave my opinion on PiS nor Poland actual situation, I'll just say that is not something I do PERSONALLY like. Now, I'm a Spaniard, not a Polish, nor I'm currently living in Poland, so... I may yell whatever I want, but is the POLISH PEOPLE who needs to decide it's future, and if you have a problem with that... then you're the one who has a big problem with democracy, not them.