Linko90: The thread went off topic and people began to flame each other. As with every thread in which this happens, it was locked for an hour and then deleted.
john_hatcher: I got some remarks towards this.
a) Why do you delete these threads? Locking, as toxicTom says, is more than enough, if there are no illegal things in it. What about ... if you delete all threads regarding "galaxy is not optional", you can always answer the next upcoming thread with "you are alone, no one ever had a problem with that". Hope I could make my point clear.
b) If this specific thread was "flaming each other", I'll most probably point you to some other threads in the near future.
Not all the GOG Galaxy threads have been deleted, there are 2 in the first few pages alone.
As for your second point, feel free to. As other users have, and I have followed this up with moderation. This is not a new process, I have done this since I started here. If users can't restrain themselves from going off topic or turning a post into an insult sword fight, and the thread does not provide any long-term service, the thread will be locked and deleted. The users who took part in said insults will also be contacted and met with moderation.
Edit - It's quite clear I moderate the forums.