Posted October 25, 2021

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia

New User
Registered: Aug 2010
From Spain
Posted October 25, 2021

The problem with this statement is that it is very unclear what is meant by "extraordinary evidence", and what the standard should be. Sagan has said that the statement should be taken as a variation of Occam's Razor, i.e. that the simples sulotin is motly likely the correct one.
Personally i prefer Hitchens Razor "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.",
But you are right. Per se, an evidence is an evidence.

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary

"Many messages from gamers" = Fake News!
Registered: May 2017
From United States
Posted October 25, 2021
low rated
No kind of "space" exists, other than the sky.
But it isn't. People acquire the beliefs that is solely due to having received mass indoctrination from all aspects of society (i.e. the media, Hollywood, schools a.k.a. government brainwashing centers, etc).
And all of the images of "galaxies" and "black holes" and such are man-made artistic representations, not actual photographs or video footage.
Likewise, all alleged "space travel" events are hoaxes that are filmed on a Hollywood set.
The best thing to do would be to read the Bible and also the book of Enoch (which should also be in the Bible, and used to be, but was edited out of it by demon-serving humans).
The mainline Bible explains how a third of the angels sided with Lucifer and were kicked out of Heaven as consequence.
The Book of Enoch describes how some fallen angels (a.k.a demons) lusted after human women and mated with them, thus creating a race of Nephilim (a.k.a. half-human, half-demon giants).
Those demons also taught humans all kinds of advanced technologies which humans never would have been able to make on their own, like weapons of war...and surely also, the aircraft that comprise the alleged "UFOs" that are frequently mislabeled as "aliens."
Or some of the UFOs could also be the demons themselves flying without any aircrafts.
But it isn't. People acquire the beliefs that is solely due to having received mass indoctrination from all aspects of society (i.e. the media, Hollywood, schools a.k.a. government brainwashing centers, etc).
And all of the images of "galaxies" and "black holes" and such are man-made artistic representations, not actual photographs or video footage.
Likewise, all alleged "space travel" events are hoaxes that are filmed on a Hollywood set.
The best thing to do would be to read the Bible and also the book of Enoch (which should also be in the Bible, and used to be, but was edited out of it by demon-serving humans).
The mainline Bible explains how a third of the angels sided with Lucifer and were kicked out of Heaven as consequence.
The Book of Enoch describes how some fallen angels (a.k.a demons) lusted after human women and mated with them, thus creating a race of Nephilim (a.k.a. half-human, half-demon giants).
Those demons also taught humans all kinds of advanced technologies which humans never would have been able to make on their own, like weapons of war...and surely also, the aircraft that comprise the alleged "UFOs" that are frequently mislabeled as "aliens."
Or some of the UFOs could also be the demons themselves flying without any aircrafts.
Post edited October 25, 2021 by Ancient-Red-Dragon

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted October 25, 2021

And all of the images of "galaxies" and "black holes" and such are man-made artistic representations, not actual photographs or video footage.
Likewise, all alleged "space travel" events are hoaxes that are filmed on a Hollywood set.

"Many messages from gamers" = Fake News!
Registered: May 2017
From United States
Posted October 25, 2021
low rated

Even the creator of the most famous alleged image of earth, "Blue Marble," is on record saying "it is photoshopped, but it has to be!"
And if you stack all the official images from NASA side by side of the alleged globe earth as released to the media in different years, they all have vastly different continent sizes and colors, and copy & pasted cloud formations too...all of which is definitive proof that they are 100% fake artists' drawings, and cannot possibly be photographs.
Post edited October 25, 2021 by Ancient-Red-Dragon

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary
Posted October 25, 2021
low rated

Even the creator of the most famous alleged image of earth, "Blue Marble," is on record saying "it is photoshopped, but it has to be!"
And if you stack all the official images from NASA side by side of the alleged globe earth as released to the media in different years, they all have vastly different continent sizes and colors, and copy & pasted cloud formations too...all of which is definitive proof that they are 100% fake artists' drawings, and cannot possibly be photographs.

New User
Registered: Aug 2010
From Spain
Posted October 25, 2021

Even the creator of the most famous alleged image of earth, "Blue Marble," is on record saying "it is photoshopped, but it has to be!"
And if you stack all the official images from NASA side by side of the alleged globe earth as released to the media in different years, they all have vastly different continent sizes and colors, and copy & pasted cloud formations too...all of which is definitive proof that they are 100% fake artists' drawings, and cannot possibly be photographs.
Depending the Nebula, for example, the images use to be treated with filters and are photographed from different light sources to be seen with the human eye and for the media.
Anyway I'd recomend you purchase a telescope. But sadly you will see planets. But not demons :D

Killing for entertainment is harmlees
Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted October 25, 2021

And all of the images of "galaxies" and "black holes" and such are man-made artistic representations, not actual photographs or video footage.
Likewise, all alleged "space travel" events are hoaxes that are filmed on a Hollywood set.

The mainline Bible explains how a third of the angels sided with Lucifer and were kicked out of Heaven as consequence.
The Book of Enoch describes how some fallen angels (a.k.a demons) lusted after human women and mated with them, thus creating a race of Nephilim (a.k.a. half-human, half-demon giants).
Those demons also taught humans all kinds of advanced technologies which humans never would have been able to make on their own, like weapons of war...and surely also, the aircraft that comprise the alleged "UFOs" that are frequently mislabeled as "aliens."
Or some of the UFOs could also be the demons themselves flying without any aircrafts.

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted October 25, 2021

Post edited October 25, 2021 by WinterSnowfall

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted October 25, 2021
This is peak Internet right here. The only way to possibly improve it would be to have the Muppet Show theme play every time you open the thread.
Post edited October 25, 2021 by Breja

Purple Dot Cultist
Registered: Oct 2008
From France
Posted October 25, 2021
I love it love it love it. I love this thread!

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted October 25, 2021

The Book of Enoch describes how some fallen angels (a.k.a demons) lusted after human women and mated with them, thus creating a race of Nephilim (a.k.a. half-human, half-demon giants).
Those demons also taught humans all kinds of advanced technologies which humans never would have been able to make on their own, like weapons of war...and surely also, the aircraft that comprise the alleged "UFOs" that are frequently mislabeled as "aliens."
Or some of the UFOs could also be the demons themselves flying without any aircrafts.

It's fine that he has a Biblical reading of "aliens"... who's to say at this point, right? If willing to accept Sumerian Annunaki legends as potentially revealing aspects of human-alien interaction, I'm willing to accept same from early Judeo-Christian accounts that mirror the phenomenon. Until we have concrete evidence to the contrary...
... probably pays to have an open mind.
(aside... The Book of Enoch -- and the reasons for it being left out of the Bible -- is fascinating)
As for the "Flat Earth"...
... I feel confident in evidence proving otherwise... and I think there's equally compelling evidence to prove we are on a planet in a vast multitude of other planets, moons, etc.
Post edited October 25, 2021 by kai2

New User
Registered: Jul 2021
From Canada
Posted October 25, 2021

The problem with this statement is that it is very unclear what is meant by "extraordinary evidence", and what the standard should be. Sagan has said that the statement should be taken as a variation of Occam's Razor, i.e. that the simples sulotin is motly likely the correct one.
Personally i prefer Hitchens Razor "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.",
But surely you have some idea of what is meant by that? Extraordinary evidence means evidence that is very "strong" and hard to refute.
I disagree that saying extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof means the same as the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one. I disagree both that these are comparable expressions and of occums razor in general. Often it is the complex explanations that are correct more than the simply ones because reality is complex.
But if you are going to forge new extreme paths in understanding of our universe, you will need extreme proofs to go along with your claims. Extraterrestrials visiting earth is a extreme new understanding of our universe for most people.
Post edited October 25, 2021 by Hapygoo

Baldrick!, do we have any milk ?...
Registered: Apr 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted October 25, 2021
Oh dear!, This isn't going well... o.0