mqstout: The sad part is when certain games push you or even require you to use "degenerate/broken" tactics to win. This is almost always the case in late/end game optional side content for jRPGs. That's a certain part where I
do not enjoy "breaking" games. FF6, I enjoyed things like genji glove + offering, or economizer + gem. But most later games with their mega-bosses that you really could only beat with crap like that saps all the joy out of it.
Interestingly, Final Fantasy 5's superbosses are interesting in that there's not just one way to deal with them. The game's skillset is rather large, and quite a few of those skills are viable even in superboss fights. There are even a few status ailments that are actually useful at this point!
Incidentally, Final Fantasy 6 has broken for me. I remember the SNES version crashing in the airship battle after escaping the MagiTek Factory (which is particularly bad since that point is a fair distance from the last save IIRC). Then there's the softlock that happened to men in the PSX version:
* Location: Inside the Zone Eater on Triangle Island.
* My party; Gau, Umaro, and the other two characters are dead.
* Gau: Using the Magic Urn rage (either casts Cure 3 on one/all allies or uses a physical attack, absorbs (is healed by) all 8 elements). (Equipped with a Magus Rod (IIRC) with the help of a glitch, but that's irrelevant here, since that doesn't have any property that affects the situation.)
* Umaro: Is equipped with the Rage Ring (sometimes throws allies, adds some elemental immunity/absorption in addition to what his Snow Muffler provides), is not equipped with the Blizzard Orb.
* Note that I don't have control of either character at this point. (You never have control of Umaro, and you lose control of Gau when you have him Rage.)
* Enemy: One of those ninja-like enemies. This enemy has turned itself invisible (can't be hit by physical attacks, lasts until hit with a spell), and is now throwing elemental scrolls, healing my characters. I believe it would never have used a physical attack.
So, situation is this:
* Can't win, as my characters would only use physical attacks, and that won't work on an invisible enemy.
* Can't lose, because the enemy is healing my characters, and Gau provides even more healing with his random free Cure 3 casts.
* So, only choice is to run away. Unfortunately, this particular enemy has the flag that prevents running away, so I can't even do that.
* Can't win, can't lose, can't run away, so no way to end the battle.
* Hence, a softlock.
Dark_art_: Not exactly a game breaking tactic but recently, while playing
Hollow Knight facing that Failed Champion bastard, found a extremelly easy way to beat the boss (and some others).
I did made a print but in the meanwhile I turned the computer off before pasting to a file, so stolen Google image as usual.
If one goes to the top corner (either one), just outside the screen with the Dreamshield, the Boss can't reach you with the jumps but the Dreamshield can still hit, press the Super Dash button (L2 or S) to stay still on the wall and the Boss will eventually "die".
Well, eventually means ~30 minutes, can't be precise since I left the game running with a toothpick on the "S" button and went outside doing stuff.
Well, there's Icicle Fail in Touhou 6. (Haven't played it, but I've seen it.) Specifically, if you are playing on Easy difficulty, Cirno's first spell card, 'Ice Sign "Icicle Fall"', can't hit you if you stand right in front of her, but you can still hurt her.
Note that this is only on Easy difficulty.
* On Normal, Cirno will also fire homing buillets that will hit you if you aren't moving.
* On Hard and Lunatic, this spell card is replaced with an entirely different one. (At least some players find the Normal version to be harder, but you still can't safespot this spell card I believe.)
I believe I mentioned how, in the NES game Crystalis, I was able to find a spot of this sort for the final battle, allowing me to kill the final boss without getting hit or having to dodge.