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It's still useful from time to time - I use LibreOffice Writer,mostly when someone sends me doc/docx file.

For my personal use, when actually writing something requiring focus and creativity, I use (and I love) Focus Writer with some fancy themes.

The rest of functions previously covered by word processor are covered today by using pure txt files, markdown formatted documents and LibreOffice Calc (I use it a lot).
Word processor? No. Everything gets done in a text editor. At work, all markup gets done in a human readable format such as Markdown.

Spreadsheet? I use one daily. Couldn't live without it.
Not very often. Textedit on OSX is relatively versatile already, so its fine for me most of the time. For everything else i either use Pages or LibreOffice. I did have Office 2011 but M$ decided to switch off the licensing servers about a year ago or so, i wont buy a newer version.

Id like something like the Hemingway Editor (well, in german) though, pretty useful i think.
oldschool: PC's are for games silly. To be completely honest, PC's are great for gaming, emulation,web browsing and e-mail.
dtgreene: By emulation, you mean "emulating retro computers to run ancient word processors that were made for non-PC systems", right?
Nope, It's all about the games. I'm sure word processors have a place in the world, however, not mine.
Mortius1: Word processor? No. Everything gets done in a text editor. At work, all markup gets done in a human readable format such as Markdown.

Spreadsheet? I use one daily. Couldn't live without it.
Out of curiosity, what do you usually use the spreadsheet for?
Inventories, hobbyist financial modelling (not bookkeeping, more along the lines of future projections)

At one point it was my favourite game.

I'm really rather boring.
As a modder, I'm using LibreOffice calc when it comes to creating dialogue trees and anything related to values and compile them to long-but-easy2read lists.

I also use calc at work. Its especially usefull if your datasets go into the ten-thousands, or even millions. It also runs far more stable than MSexcel. If you understand a little bit of graph design, even big lists can be compiled into easy to read datasets regardless if the file itself is 160mb or just 500kb. Impossible to not work with calc in the same effectivity regardless on how large the tables are as long as the list is structured properly.

On the other hand I use LibreOffice writer mostly (95% of the time) to create .pdfs. I can design a neat little tutorial booklet in writer and then compile it to a .pdf with the same tool. Its honestly a pretty neat programm.

Nowadays I also use Notepad++ to low-level debug all sorts of things in many different programming languages. Notepad++ is the most "raw" of word processing programms but I also think its very easy and effective to use if you're not writing any complex strings or whole sets of code by yourself.
dtgreene: Out of curiosity, what do you usually use the spreadsheet for?
Inventory management and dosage calculations.