Cavalary: Sure it does. Sticking to it too, does its job, no need for anything else. And classic skin means it stays there on the side when running and still manages to display the needed stuff without taking up more screen space even when looking at it.
I must have used Winamp for a couple of years at least, and then got turned off it, and it is so long ago, that the reason or reasons elude me now, and clearly I had no desire or reason to go back to it. I probably just outgrew its limitations, as I have especially been very audio & music concentric since my early teens, and I don't tolerate the lack of what I call necessary (I would actually say 'normal') features.
I've had a gut full over the years of nerds who think they know something about music, when they create hardware and software. The world is full of instant experts trying to make a quick buck, and those that employ them on the cheap.
Hell, the iPod when it turned up was a huge revelation, even if a much lacking one at times ... same with iTunes. At least we have smart phones and some really good apps now.
And I've gotta a Toyota that is 4 years old and has an audio system created by some idiot trapped in the 1980s one moment and lost in the 2000s the next ... and no easy way to replace the idiocy, because it is tied to the navigation element.
Anyway, please forgive my little rant. Clearly Winamp is fit for purpose for you, so continue to enjoy. :)
P.S. I vaguely recall installing the Winamp app on my Samsung phone a few years back, and it couldn't do what I needed, so I removed it. Now I use either AIMP, foobar2000 or Kodi on my phone, and I'm happy as Larry.