Pouyou-pouyou: All those scalers seem to be bugged, some more than others. On my computer, setting the hq3x slightly diminishes the game's window, while setting the hq2x nearly halves it. This should not happen and is related to the scaler filters.
When going fullscreen, because of these bugged scaler filters, the image is not streched so this results in those small or big black borders on the top and the bottom.
If you don't have a border with a 2x one, then you are just "lucky" : when I use the hq2x for example, with no fullresolution set, i get black borders too, and my monitor sets itself in 640x480.
This screen doesn't include the black borders on the left / right.
DosFreak: Before you go throwing around something being "bugged" verify that monitor and/or video card scaling are disabled.
Arena is a 320x200 game. Do you expect a 2x scaler to scale it to 640x480?
Assuming you're using a LCD why do you insist on using the original resolution anyway when it's suboptimal to do so?
Fullresolution=original is intended for CRT displays, typically not for usage with scalers except if you want to.
So you have similiar borders?
Can you add screenshot of Arena, or other old DOS game, please?
In DOSBox condig file for Arena I have set:
In NVIDIA control panel i have set:
Apect ratio scaling mode
Scaling performing on GPU
Overriding the scaling mode set by games and programs is checked.
Are these settings okay?
Is there ability to use hq4x or even bigger scaler in DOSBox? It would be maybe better.