dudalb: This is a Paradox strategy game where you care a gangster in Al Capone's Chicago of the 1920's
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That's not really an accurate description of the game's content.
It's much more like: you play as 'woke' SJWs who are badly cosplaying as 1920's gangsters.
Accordingly, this game is really bad. If GOG 'curation' actually lived up to its alleged purpose of keeping bad games off of GOG, then they would reject the game for that reason if it were to be offered (although granted, I don't think that would actually happen, because GOG curation is never useful).
I see being abot to play as a woman or a person of color really upsets you.
Says a lot more about you then it does about the game. And what it says about you is not very pleasent.
Franklyu, you are a bigot pure and simple.